clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: methods called `from_*` usually take no self; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
21 |     fn from_i32(self) {}
   |                 ^^^^
   = note: `-D wrong-self-convention` implied by `-D warnings`

error: methods called `from_*` usually take no self; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
27 |     pub fn from_i64(self) {}
   |                     ^^^^

error: methods called `as_*` usually take self by reference or self by mutable reference; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
40 |     fn as_i32(self) {}
   |               ^^^^

error: methods called `into_*` usually take self by value; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
42 |     fn into_i32(&self) {}
   |                 ^^^^^

error: methods called `is_*` usually take self by reference or no self; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
44 |     fn is_i32(self) {}
   |               ^^^^

error: methods called `to_*` usually take self by reference; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
46 |     fn to_i32(self) {}
   |               ^^^^

error: methods called `from_*` usually take no self; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
48 |     fn from_i32(self) {}
   |                 ^^^^

error: methods called `as_*` usually take self by reference or self by mutable reference; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
50 |     pub fn as_i64(self) {}
   |                   ^^^^

error: methods called `into_*` usually take self by value; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
51 |     pub fn into_i64(&self) {}
   |                     ^^^^^

error: methods called `is_*` usually take self by reference or no self; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
52 |     pub fn is_i64(self) {}
   |                   ^^^^

error: methods called `to_*` usually take self by reference; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
53 |     pub fn to_i64(self) {}
   |                   ^^^^

error: methods called `from_*` usually take no self; consider choosing a less ambiguous name
  --> $DIR/
54 |     pub fn from_i64(self) {}
   |                     ^^^^

error: aborting due to 12 previous errors