clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: redundant field names in struct initialization
  --> $DIR/
34 |         gender: gender,
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `gender`
   = note: `-D redundant-field-names` implied by `-D warnings`

error: redundant field names in struct initialization
  --> $DIR/
35 |         age: age,
   |         ^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `age`

error: redundant field names in struct initialization
  --> $DIR/
53 |     let _ = RangeFrom { start: start };
   |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `start`

error: redundant field names in struct initialization
  --> $DIR/
54 |     let _ = RangeTo { end: end };
   |                       ^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `end`

error: redundant field names in struct initialization
  --> $DIR/
55 |     let _ = Range { start: start, end: end };
   |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `start`

error: redundant field names in struct initialization
  --> $DIR/
55 |     let _ = Range { start: start, end: end };
   |                                   ^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `end`

error: redundant field names in struct initialization
  --> $DIR/
57 |     let _ = RangeToInclusive { end: end };
   |                                ^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `end`

error: aborting due to 7 previous errors