clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: for loop over `option`, which is an `Option`. This is more readably written as an `if let` statement.
  --> $DIR/
17 |     for x in option {
   |              ^^^^^^
   = note: `-D for-loop-over-option` implied by `-D warnings`
   = help: consider replacing `for x in option` with `if let Some(x) = option`

error: for loop over `result`, which is a `Result`. This is more readably written as an `if let` statement.
  --> $DIR/
22 |     for x in result {
   |              ^^^^^^
   = note: `-D for-loop-over-result` implied by `-D warnings`
   = help: consider replacing `for x in result` with `if let Ok(x) = result`

error: for loop over `option.ok_or("x not found")`, which is a `Result`. This is more readably written as an `if let` statement.
  --> $DIR/
26 |     for x in option.ok_or("x not found") {
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: consider replacing `for x in option.ok_or("x not found")` with `if let Ok(x) = option.ok_or("x not found")`

error: you are iterating over `Iterator::next()` which is an Option; this will compile but is probably not what you want
  --> $DIR/
32 |     for x in v.iter().next() {
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: `-D iter-next-loop` implied by `-D warnings`

error: for loop over `v.iter().next().and(Some(0))`, which is an `Option`. This is more readably written as an `if let` statement.
  --> $DIR/
37 |     for x in v.iter().next().and(Some(0)) {
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: consider replacing `for x in v.iter().next().and(Some(0))` with `if let Some(x) = v.iter().next().and(Some(0))`

error: for loop over `v.iter().next().ok_or("x not found")`, which is a `Result`. This is more readably written as an `if let` statement.
  --> $DIR/
41 |     for x in v.iter().next().ok_or("x not found") {
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: consider replacing `for x in v.iter().next().ok_or("x not found")` with `if let Ok(x) = v.iter().next().ok_or("x not found")`

error: this loop never actually loops
  --> $DIR/
53 | /     while let Some(x) = option {
54 | |         println!("{}", x);
55 | |         break;
56 | |     }
   | |_____^
   = note: `-D never-loop` implied by `-D warnings`

error: this loop never actually loops
  --> $DIR/
59 | /     while let Ok(x) = result {
60 | |         println!("{}", x);
61 | |         break;
62 | |     }
   | |_____^

error: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `vec`.
  --> $DIR/
86 |     for i in 0..vec.len() {
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: `-D needless-range-loop` implied by `-D warnings`
help: consider using an iterator
86 |     for <item> in &vec {
   |         ^^^^^^    ^^^^

error: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `vec`.
  --> $DIR/
95 |     for i in 0..vec.len() {
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
95 |     for <item> in &vec {
   |         ^^^^^^    ^^^^

error: the loop variable `j` is only used to index `STATIC`.
   --> $DIR/
100 |     for j in 0..4 {
    |              ^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
100 |     for <item> in STATIC.iter().take(4) {
    |         ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the loop variable `j` is only used to index `CONST`.
   --> $DIR/
104 |     for j in 0..4 {
    |              ^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
104 |     for <item> in CONST.iter().take(4) {
    |         ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the loop variable `i` is used to index `vec`
   --> $DIR/
108 |     for i in 0..vec.len() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
108 |     for (i, <item>) in vec.iter().enumerate() {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `vec2`.
   --> $DIR/
116 |     for i in 0..vec.len() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
116 |     for <item> in vec2.iter().take(vec.len()) {
    |         ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `vec`.
   --> $DIR/
120 |     for i in 5..vec.len() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
120 |     for <item> in vec.iter().skip(5) {
    |         ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `vec`.
   --> $DIR/
124 |     for i in 0..MAX_LEN {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
124 |     for <item> in vec.iter().take(MAX_LEN) {
    |         ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `vec`.
   --> $DIR/
128 |     for i in 0..=MAX_LEN {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
128 |     for <item> in vec.iter().take(MAX_LEN + 1) {
    |         ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `vec`.
   --> $DIR/
132 |     for i in 5..10 {
    |              ^^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
132 |     for <item> in vec.iter().take(10).skip(5) {
    |         ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `vec`.
   --> $DIR/
136 |     for i in 5..=10 {
    |              ^^^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
136 |     for <item> in vec.iter().take(10 + 1).skip(5) {
    |         ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the loop variable `i` is used to index `vec`
   --> $DIR/
140 |     for i in 5..vec.len() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
140 |     for (i, <item>) in vec.iter().enumerate().skip(5) {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the loop variable `i` is used to index `vec`
   --> $DIR/
144 |     for i in 5..10 {
    |              ^^^^^
help: consider using an iterator
144 |     for (i, <item>) in vec.iter().enumerate().take(10).skip(5) {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: this range is empty so this for loop will never run
   --> $DIR/
148 |     for i in 10..0 {
    |              ^^^^^
    = note: `-D reverse-range-loop` implied by `-D warnings`
help: consider using the following if you are attempting to iterate over this range in reverse
148 |     for i in (0..10).rev() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: this range is empty so this for loop will never run
   --> $DIR/
152 |     for i in 10..=0 {
    |              ^^^^^^
help: consider using the following if you are attempting to iterate over this range in reverse
152 |     for i in (0...10).rev() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: this range is empty so this for loop will never run
   --> $DIR/
156 |     for i in MAX_LEN..0 {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using the following if you are attempting to iterate over this range in reverse
156 |     for i in (0..MAX_LEN).rev() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: this range is empty so this for loop will never run
   --> $DIR/
160 |     for i in 5..5 {
    |              ^^^^

error: this range is empty so this for loop will never run
   --> $DIR/
185 |     for i in 10..5 + 4 {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using the following if you are attempting to iterate over this range in reverse
185 |     for i in (5 + 4..10).rev() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: this range is empty so this for loop will never run
   --> $DIR/
189 |     for i in (5 + 2)..(3 - 1) {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using the following if you are attempting to iterate over this range in reverse
189 |     for i in ((3 - 1)..(5 + 2)).rev() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: this range is empty so this for loop will never run
   --> $DIR/
193 |     for i in (5 + 2)..(8 - 1) {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
215 |     for _v in vec.iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&vec`
    = note: `-D explicit-iter-loop` implied by `-D warnings`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
217 |     for _v in vec.iter_mut() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&mut vec`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over containers instead of using explicit iteration methods`
   --> $DIR/
220 |     for _v in out_vec.into_iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `out_vec`
    = note: `-D explicit-into-iter-loop` implied by `-D warnings`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
223 |     for _v in array.into_iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&array`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
228 |     for _v in [1, 2, 3].iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&[1, 2, 3]`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
232 |     for _v in [0; 32].iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&[0; 32]`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
237 |     for _v in ll.iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&ll`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
240 |     for _v in vd.iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&vd`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
243 |     for _v in bh.iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&bh`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
246 |     for _v in hm.iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&hm`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
249 |     for _v in bt.iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&bt`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
252 |     for _v in hs.iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&hs`

error: it is more idiomatic to loop over references to containers instead of using explicit iteration methods
   --> $DIR/
255 |     for _v in bs.iter() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^ help: to write this more concisely, try: `&bs`

error: you are iterating over `Iterator::next()` which is an Option; this will compile but is probably not what you want
   --> $DIR/
257 |     for _v in vec.iter().next() {}
    |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: you are collect()ing an iterator and throwing away the result. Consider using an explicit for loop to exhaust the iterator
   --> $DIR/
264 |     vec.iter().cloned().map(|x| out.push(x)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: `-D unused-collect` implied by `-D warnings`

error: the variable `_index` is used as a loop counter. Consider using `for (_index, item) in &vec.enumerate()` or similar iterators
   --> $DIR/
269 |     for _v in &vec {
    |               ^^^^
    = note: `-D explicit-counter-loop` implied by `-D warnings`

error: the variable `_index` is used as a loop counter. Consider using `for (_index, item) in &vec.enumerate()` or similar iterators
   --> $DIR/
275 |     for _v in &vec {
    |               ^^^^

error: you seem to want to iterate on a map's values
   --> $DIR/
385 |     for (_, v) in &m {
    |                   ^^
    = note: `-D for-kv-map` implied by `-D warnings`
help: use the corresponding method
385 |     for v in m.values() {
    |         ^    ^^^^^^^^^^

error: you seem to want to iterate on a map's values
   --> $DIR/
390 |     for (_, v) in &*m {
    |                   ^^^
help: use the corresponding method
390 |     for v in (*m).values() {
    |         ^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: you seem to want to iterate on a map's values
   --> $DIR/
398 |     for (_, v) in &mut m {
    |                   ^^^^^^
help: use the corresponding method
398 |     for v in m.values_mut() {
    |         ^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: you seem to want to iterate on a map's values
   --> $DIR/
403 |     for (_, v) in &mut *m {
    |                   ^^^^^^^
help: use the corresponding method
403 |     for v in (*m).values_mut() {
    |         ^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: you seem to want to iterate on a map's keys
   --> $DIR/
409 |     for (k, _value) in rm {
    |                        ^^
help: use the corresponding method
409 |     for k in rm.keys() {
    |         ^    ^^^^^^^^^

error: it looks like you're manually copying between slices
   --> $DIR/
462 |     for i in 0..src.len() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try replacing the loop by: `dst[..src.len()].clone_from_slice(&src[..])`
    = note: `-D manual-memcpy` implied by `-D warnings`

error: it looks like you're manually copying between slices
   --> $DIR/
467 |     for i in 0..src.len() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try replacing the loop by: `dst[10..(src.len() + 10)].clone_from_slice(&src[..])`

error: it looks like you're manually copying between slices
   --> $DIR/
472 |     for i in 0..src.len() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try replacing the loop by: `dst[..src.len()].clone_from_slice(&src[10..])`

error: it looks like you're manually copying between slices
   --> $DIR/
477 |     for i in 11..src.len() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try replacing the loop by: `dst[11..src.len()].clone_from_slice(&src[(11 - 10)..(src.len() - 10)])`

error: it looks like you're manually copying between slices
   --> $DIR/
482 |     for i in 0..dst.len() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try replacing the loop by: `dst.clone_from_slice(&src[..dst.len()])`

error: it looks like you're manually copying between slices
   --> $DIR/
495 |     for i in 10..256 {
    |              ^^^^^^^
help: try replacing the loop by
495 |     for i in dst[10..256].clone_from_slice(&src[(10 - 5)..(256 - 5)])
496 |     dst2[(10 + 500)..(256 + 500)].clone_from_slice(&src[10..256]) {

error: it looks like you're manually copying between slices
   --> $DIR/
507 |     for i in 10..LOOP_OFFSET {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try replacing the loop by: `dst[(10 + LOOP_OFFSET)..(LOOP_OFFSET + LOOP_OFFSET)].clone_from_slice(&src[(10 - some_var)..(LOOP_OFFSET - some_var)])`

error: it looks like you're manually copying between slices
   --> $DIR/
520 |     for i in 0..src_vec.len() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try replacing the loop by: `dst_vec[..src_vec.len()].clone_from_slice(&src_vec[..])`

error: it looks like you're manually copying between slices
   --> $DIR/
547 |     for i in 0..src.len() {
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try replacing the loop by: `dst[..src.len()].clone_from_slice(&src[..])`

error: aborting due to 59 previous errors