clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: you seem to be trying to use match to destructure a single infallible pattern. Consider using `let`
  --> $DIR/
16 | /     let data = match wrapper {
17 | |         SingleVariantEnum::Variant(i) => i,
18 | |     };
   | |______^ help: try this: `let SingleVariantEnum::Variant(data) = wrapper;`
   = note: `-D infallible-destructuring-match` implied by `-D warnings`

error: you seem to be trying to use match to destructure a single infallible pattern. Consider using `let`
  --> $DIR/
37 | /     let data = match wrapper {
38 | |         TupleStruct(i) => i,
39 | |     };
   | |______^ help: try this: `let TupleStruct(data) = wrapper;`

error: you seem to be trying to use match to destructure a single infallible pattern. Consider using `let`
  --> $DIR/
58 | /     let data = match wrapper {
59 | |         Ok(i) => i,
60 | |     };
   | |______^ help: try this: `let Ok(data) = wrapper;`

error: aborting due to 3 previous errors