clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust


macro_rules! trip {
   ($a:expr) => {
    match $a & 0b1111_1111i8 {
        0 => println!("a is zero ({})", $a),
        _ => println!("a is {}", $a),

fn main() {
    1 << 2 + 3;
    1 + 2 << 3;
    4 >> 1 + 1;
    1 + 3 >> 2;
    1 ^ 1 - 1;
    3 | 2 - 1;
    3 & 5 - 2;

    // These should not trigger an error
    let _ = (-1i32).abs();
    let _ = (-1f32).abs();
    let _ = -(1i32).abs();
    let _ = -(1f32).abs();
    let _ = -(1i32.abs());
    let _ = -(1f32.abs());

    let b = 3;
    trip!(b * 8);