clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: this `.fold` can be written more succinctly using another method
 --> $DIR/
4 |     let _ = (0..3).fold(false, |acc, x| acc || x > 2);
  |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `.any(|x| x > 2)`
  = note: `-D unnecessary-fold` implied by `-D warnings`

error: this `.fold` can be written more succinctly using another method
 --> $DIR/
6 |     let _ = (0..3).fold(true, |acc, x| acc && x > 2);
  |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `.all(|x| x > 2)`

error: this `.fold` can be written more succinctly using another method
 --> $DIR/
8 |     let _ = (0..3).fold(0, |acc, x| acc + x);
  |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `.sum()`

error: this `.fold` can be written more succinctly using another method
  --> $DIR/
10 |     let _ = (0..3).fold(1, |acc, x| acc * x);
   |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `.product()`

error: this `.fold` can be written more succinctly using another method
  --> $DIR/
15 |     let _ = (0..3).map(|x| 2 * x).fold(false, |acc, x| acc || x > 2);
   |                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `.any(|x| x > 2)`

error: aborting due to 5 previous errors