clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: using `write!()` with a format string that ends in a newline, consider using `writeln!()` instead
  --> $DIR/
10 |     write!(&mut v, "Hello/n");
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: `-D write-with-newline` implied by `-D warnings`

error: using `write!()` with a format string that ends in a newline, consider using `writeln!()` instead
  --> $DIR/
11 |     write!(&mut v, "Hello {}/n", "world");
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: using `write!()` with a format string that ends in a newline, consider using `writeln!()` instead
  --> $DIR/
12 |     write!(&mut v, "Hello {} {}/n/n", "world", "#2");
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: using `write!()` with a format string that ends in a newline, consider using `writeln!()` instead
  --> $DIR/
13 |     write!(&mut v, "{}/n", 1265);
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to 4 previous errors