clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: this boolean expression can be simplified
  --> $DIR/
25 |     match test && test {
   |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `test`
   = note: `-D nonminimal-bool` implied by `-D warnings`

error: you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression
 --> $DIR/
4 | /     match test {
5 | |         true => 0,
6 | |         false => 42,
7 | |     };
  | |_____^ help: consider using an if/else expression: `if test { 0 } else { 42 }`
  = note: `-D match-bool` implied by `-D warnings`

error: you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression
  --> $DIR/
10 | /     match option == 1 {
11 | |         true => 1,
12 | |         false => 0,
13 | |     };
   | |_____^ help: consider using an if/else expression: `if option == 1 { 1 } else { 0 }`

error: you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression
  --> $DIR/
15 | /     match test {
16 | |         true => (),
17 | |         false => { println!("Noooo!"); }
18 | |     };
   | |_____^ help: consider using an if/else expression: `if !test { println!("Noooo!"); }`

error: you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression
  --> $DIR/
20 | /     match test {
21 | |         false => { println!("Noooo!"); }
22 | |         _ => (),
23 | |     };
   | |_____^ help: consider using an if/else expression: `if !test { println!("Noooo!"); }`

error: you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression
  --> $DIR/
25 | /     match test && test {
26 | |         false => { println!("Noooo!"); }
27 | |         _ => (),
28 | |     };
   | |_____^ help: consider using an if/else expression: `if !(test && test) { println!("Noooo!"); }`

error: equal expressions as operands to `&&`
  --> $DIR/
25 |     match test && test {
   |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: #[deny(eq_op)] on by default

error: you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression
  --> $DIR/
30 | /     match test {
31 | |         false => { println!("Noooo!"); }
32 | |         true => { println!("Yes!"); }
33 | |     };
   | |_____^ help: consider using an if/else expression: `if test { println!("Yes!"); } else { println!("Noooo!"); }`

error: aborting due to 8 previous errors