clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
if_chain! {
    if let Expr_::ExprBinary(ref op, ref left, ref right) = expr.node;
    if BinOp_::BiEq == op.node;
    if let Expr_::ExprBinary(ref op1, ref left1, ref right1) = left.node;
    if BinOp_::BiBitAnd == op1.node;
    if let Expr_::ExprPath(ref path) = left1.node;
    if match_qpath(path, &["x"]);
    if let Expr_::ExprLit(ref lit) = right1.node;
    if let LitKind::Int(15, _) = lit.node;
    if let Expr_::ExprLit(ref lit1) = right.node;
    if let LitKind::Int(0, _) = lit1.node;
    then {
        // report your lint here