clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: passing a unit value to a function
  --> $DIR/
23 |     foo({});
   |         ^^
   = note: `-D unit-arg` implied by `-D warnings`
help: if you intended to pass a unit value, use a unit literal instead
23 |     foo(());
   |         ^^

error: passing a unit value to a function
  --> $DIR/
24 |     foo({ 1; });
   |         ^^^^^^
help: if you intended to pass a unit value, use a unit literal instead
24 |     foo(());
   |         ^^

error: passing a unit value to a function
  --> $DIR/
25 |     foo(foo(1));
   |         ^^^^^^
help: if you intended to pass a unit value, use a unit literal instead
25 |     foo(());
   |         ^^

error: passing a unit value to a function
  --> $DIR/
26 |       foo({
   |  _________^
27 | |         foo(1);
28 | |         foo(2);
29 | |     });
   | |_____^
help: if you intended to pass a unit value, use a unit literal instead
26 |     foo(());
   |         ^^

error: passing a unit value to a function
  --> $DIR/
30 |     foo3({}, 2, 2);
   |          ^^
help: if you intended to pass a unit value, use a unit literal instead
30 |     foo3((), 2, 2);
   |          ^^

error: passing a unit value to a function
  --> $DIR/
32 |{ 1; });
   |           ^^^^^^
help: if you intended to pass a unit value, use a unit literal instead
32 |;
   |           ^^

error: aborting due to 6 previous errors