clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: this function has too many arguments (8/7)
  --> $DIR/
11 | / fn bad(_one: u32, _two: u32, _three: &str, _four: bool, _five: f32, _six: f32, _seven: bool, _eight: ()) {
12 | | }
   | |_^
   = note: `-D too-many-arguments` implied by `-D warnings`

error: this function has too many arguments (8/7)
  --> $DIR/
19 |     fn bad(_one: u32, _two: u32, _three: &str, _four: bool, _five: f32, _six: f32, _seven: bool, _eight: ());
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: this function has too many arguments (8/7)
  --> $DIR/
28 |     fn bad_method(_one: u32, _two: u32, _three: &str, _four: bool, _five: f32, _six: f32, _seven: bool, _eight: ()) {}
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: this public function dereferences a raw pointer but is not marked `unsafe`
  --> $DIR/
37 |         println!("{}", unsafe { *p });
   |                                  ^
   = note: `-D not-unsafe-ptr-arg-deref` implied by `-D warnings`

error: this public function dereferences a raw pointer but is not marked `unsafe`
  --> $DIR/
38 |         println!("{:?}", unsafe { p.as_ref() });
   |                                   ^

error: this public function dereferences a raw pointer but is not marked `unsafe`
  --> $DIR/
39 |         unsafe { std::ptr::read(p) };
   |                                 ^

error: this public function dereferences a raw pointer but is not marked `unsafe`
  --> $DIR/
50 |     println!("{}", unsafe { *p });
   |                              ^

error: this public function dereferences a raw pointer but is not marked `unsafe`
  --> $DIR/
51 |     println!("{:?}", unsafe { p.as_ref() });
   |                               ^

error: this public function dereferences a raw pointer but is not marked `unsafe`
  --> $DIR/
52 |     unsafe { std::ptr::read(p) };
   |                             ^

error: this public function dereferences a raw pointer but is not marked `unsafe`
  --> $DIR/
61 |         println!("{}", unsafe { *p });
   |                                  ^

error: this public function dereferences a raw pointer but is not marked `unsafe`
  --> $DIR/
62 |         println!("{:?}", unsafe { p.as_ref() });
   |                                   ^

error: this public function dereferences a raw pointer but is not marked `unsafe`
  --> $DIR/
63 |         unsafe { std::ptr::read(p) };
   |                                 ^

error: aborting due to 12 previous errors