clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: manual implementation of an assign operation
  --> $DIR/
10 |         x = x + ".";
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `x += "."`
   = note: `-D assign-op-pattern` implied by `-D warnings`

error: you added something to a string. Consider using `String::push_str()` instead
  --> $DIR/
10 |         x = x + ".";
   |             ^^^^^^^
   = note: `-D string-add` implied by `-D warnings`

error: you added something to a string. Consider using `String::push_str()` instead
  --> $DIR/
14 |     let z = y + "...";
   |             ^^^^^^^^^

error: you assigned the result of adding something to this string. Consider using `String::push_str()` instead
  --> $DIR/
24 |         x = x + ".";
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: `-D string-add-assign` implied by `-D warnings`

error: manual implementation of an assign operation
  --> $DIR/
24 |         x = x + ".";
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `x += "."`

error: you assigned the result of adding something to this string. Consider using `String::push_str()` instead
  --> $DIR/
38 |         x = x + ".";
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^

error: manual implementation of an assign operation
  --> $DIR/
38 |         x = x + ".";
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `x += "."`

error: you added something to a string. Consider using `String::push_str()` instead
  --> $DIR/
42 |     let z = y + "...";
   |             ^^^^^^^^^

error: calling `as_bytes()` on a string literal
  --> $DIR/
50 |     let bs = "hello there".as_bytes();
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using a byte string literal instead: `b"hello there"`
   = note: `-D string-lit-as-bytes` implied by `-D warnings`

error: calling `as_bytes()` on a string literal
  --> $DIR/
55 |     let strify = stringify!(foobar).as_bytes();
   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using a byte string literal instead: `bstringify!(foobar)`

error: manual implementation of an assign operation
  --> $DIR/
65 |     ; x = x + 1;
   |       ^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `x += 1`

error: aborting due to 11 previous errors