clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
16 |     let pipe_in_wrong_position = Regex::new("|");
   |                                             ^^^
   = note: `-D trivial-regex` implied by `-D warnings`
   = help: the regex is unlikely to be useful as it is

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
17 |     let pipe_in_wrong_position_builder = RegexBuilder::new("|");
   |                                                            ^^^
   = help: the regex is unlikely to be useful as it is

error: regex syntax error: invalid character class range, the start must be <= the end
  --> $DIR/
18 |     let wrong_char_ranice = Regex::new("[z-a]");
   |                                          ^^^
   = note: `-D invalid-regex` implied by `-D warnings`

error: regex syntax error: invalid character class range, the start must be <= the end
  --> $DIR/
19 |     let some_unicode = Regex::new("[é-è]");
   |                                     ^^^

error: regex syntax error on position 0: unclosed group
  --> $DIR/
21 |     let some_regex = Regex::new(OPENING_PAREN);
   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
23 |     let binary_pipe_in_wrong_position = BRegex::new("|");
   |                                                     ^^^
   = help: the regex is unlikely to be useful as it is

error: regex syntax error on position 0: unclosed group
  --> $DIR/
24 |     let some_binary_regex = BRegex::new(OPENING_PAREN);
   |                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: regex syntax error on position 0: unclosed group
  --> $DIR/
25 |     let some_binary_regex_builder = BRegexBuilder::new(OPENING_PAREN);
   |                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: regex syntax error on position 0: unclosed group
  --> $DIR/
41 |         OPENING_PAREN,
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: regex syntax error on position 0: unclosed group
  --> $DIR/
45 |         OPENING_PAREN,
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: regex syntax error: unrecognized escape sequence
  --> $DIR/
49 |     let raw_string_error = Regex::new(r"[...//...]");
   |                                             ^^

error: regex syntax error: unrecognized escape sequence
  --> $DIR/
50 |     let raw_string_error = Regex::new(r#"[...//...]"#);
   |                                              ^^

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
54 |     let trivial_eq = Regex::new("^foobar$");
   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: consider using `==` on `str`s

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
56 |     let trivial_eq_builder = RegexBuilder::new("^foobar$");
   |                                                ^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: consider using `==` on `str`s

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
58 |     let trivial_starts_with = Regex::new("^foobar");
   |                                          ^^^^^^^^^
   = help: consider using `str::starts_with`

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
60 |     let trivial_ends_with = Regex::new("foobar$");
   |                                        ^^^^^^^^^
   = help: consider using `str::ends_with`

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
62 |     let trivial_contains = Regex::new("foobar");
   |                                       ^^^^^^^^
   = help: consider using `str::contains`

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
64 |     let trivial_contains = Regex::new(NOT_A_REAL_REGEX);
   |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: consider using `str::contains`

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
66 |     let trivial_backslash = Regex::new("a/.b");
   |                                        ^^^^^^^
   = help: consider using `str::contains`

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
69 |     let trivial_empty = Regex::new("");
   |                                    ^^
   = help: the regex is unlikely to be useful as it is

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
71 |     let trivial_empty = Regex::new("^");
   |                                    ^^^
   = help: the regex is unlikely to be useful as it is

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
73 |     let trivial_empty = Regex::new("^$");
   |                                    ^^^^
   = help: consider using `str::is_empty`

error: trivial regex
  --> $DIR/
75 |     let binary_trivial_empty = BRegex::new("^$");
   |                                            ^^^^
   = help: consider using `str::is_empty`

error: aborting due to 23 previous errors