clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: bit mask could be simplified with a call to `trailing_zeros`
 --> $DIR/
7 |     let _ = #[clippy::author] (x & 0b1111 == 0);  // suggest trailing_zeros
  |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `x.trailing_zeros() >= 4`
  = note: `-D verbose-bit-mask` implied by `-D warnings`

error: bit mask could be simplified with a call to `trailing_zeros`
 --> $DIR/
8 |     let _ = x & 0b1_1111 == 0; // suggest trailing_zeros
  |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `x.trailing_zeros() >= 5`

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors