clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: this looks like an `else if` but the `else` is missing
  --> $DIR/
15 |     } if foo() {
   |      ^
   = note: `-D suspicious-else-formatting` implied by `-D warnings`
   = note: to remove this lint, add the missing `else` or add a new line before the second `if`

error: this looks like an `else if` but the `else` is missing
  --> $DIR/
22 |         } if foo() {
   |          ^
   = note: to remove this lint, add the missing `else` or add a new line before the second `if`

error: this looks like an `else if` but the `else` is missing
  --> $DIR/
30 |         } if foo() {
   |          ^
   = note: to remove this lint, add the missing `else` or add a new line before the second `if`

error: this is an `else if` but the formatting might hide it
  --> $DIR/
39 |       } else
   |  ______^
40 | |     if foo() { // the span of the above error should continue here
   | |____^
   = note: to remove this lint, remove the `else` or remove the new line between `else` and `if`

error: this is an `else if` but the formatting might hide it
  --> $DIR/
44 |       }
   |  ______^
45 | |     else
46 | |     if foo() { // the span of the above error should continue here
   | |____^
   = note: to remove this lint, remove the `else` or remove the new line between `else` and `if`

error: this looks like you are trying to use `.. -= ..`, but you really are doing `.. = (- ..)`
  --> $DIR/
71 |     a =- 35;
   |      ^^^^
   = note: `-D suspicious-assignment-formatting` implied by `-D warnings`
   = note: to remove this lint, use either `-=` or `= -`

error: this looks like you are trying to use `.. *= ..`, but you really are doing `.. = (* ..)`
  --> $DIR/
72 |     a =* &191;
   |      ^^^^
   = note: to remove this lint, use either `*=` or `= *`

error: this looks like you are trying to use `.. != ..`, but you really are doing `.. = (! ..)`
  --> $DIR/
75 |     b =! false;
   |      ^^^^
   = note: to remove this lint, use either `!=` or `= !`

error: possibly missing a comma here
  --> $DIR/
84 |         -1, -2, -3 // <= no comma here
   |                   ^
   = note: `-D possible-missing-comma` implied by `-D warnings`
   = note: to remove this lint, add a comma or write the expr in a single line

error: possibly missing a comma here
  --> $DIR/
88 |         -1, -2, -3 // <= no comma here
   |                   ^
   = note: to remove this lint, add a comma or write the expr in a single line

error: aborting due to 10 previous errors