clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit function
  --> $DIR/
33 |;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(x_field) = x.field { do_nothing(...) }`
   = note: `-D option-map-unit-fn` implied by `-D warnings`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit function
  --> $DIR/
35 |;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(x_field) = x.field { do_nothing(...) }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit function
  --> $DIR/
37 |;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(x_field) = x.field { diverge(...) }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
43 ||value| x.do_option_nothing(value + captured));
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { x.do_option_nothing(value + captured) }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
45 ||value| { x.do_option_plus_one(value + captured); });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { x.do_option_plus_one(value + captured); }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
48 ||value| do_nothing(value + captured));
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { do_nothing(value + captured) }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
50 ||value| { do_nothing(value + captured) });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { do_nothing(value + captured) }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
52 ||value| { do_nothing(value + captured); });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { do_nothing(value + captured); }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
54 ||value| { { do_nothing(value + captured); } });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { do_nothing(value + captured); }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
57 ||value| diverge(value + captured));
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { diverge(value + captured) }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
59 ||value| { diverge(value + captured) });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { diverge(value + captured) }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
61 ||value| { diverge(value + captured); });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { diverge(value + captured); }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
63 ||value| { { diverge(value + captured); } });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { diverge(value + captured); }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
68 ||value| { let y = plus_one(value + captured); });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { let y = plus_one(value + captured); }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
70 ||value| { plus_one(value + captured); });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { plus_one(value + captured); }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
72 ||value| { { plus_one(value + captured); } });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { plus_one(value + captured); }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
75 ||ref value| { do_nothing(value + captured) });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(ref value) = x.field { do_nothing(value + captured) }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
78 ||value| { do_nothing(value); do_nothing(value) });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { ... }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
80 ||value| if value > 0 { do_nothing(value); do_nothing(value) });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { ... }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
84 ||value| {
   |   _____^
   |  |_____|
   | ||
85 | ||         do_nothing(value);
86 | ||         do_nothing(value)
87 | ||     });
   | ||______^- help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { ... }`
   | |_______|

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit closure
  --> $DIR/
88 ||value| { do_nothing(value); do_nothing(value); });
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(value) = x.field { ... }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit function
  --> $DIR/
91 |     Some(42).map(diverge);
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(_) = Some(42) { diverge(...) }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit function
  --> $DIR/
92 |     "12".parse::<i32>().ok().map(diverge);
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(_) = "12".parse::<i32>().ok() { diverge(...) }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit function
  --> $DIR/
93 |     Some(plus_one(1)).map(do_nothing);
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(_) = Some(plus_one(1)) { do_nothing(...) }`

error: called `map(f)` on an Option value where `f` is a unit function
  --> $DIR/
97 |;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |     |
   |     help: try this: `if let Some(_y) = y { do_nothing(...) }`

error: aborting due to 25 previous errors