clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: Closure called just once immediately after it was declared
  --> $DIR/
15 |     i = closure();
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: `-D redundant-closure-call` implied by `-D warnings`

error: Closure called just once immediately after it was declared
  --> $DIR/
18 |     i = closure(3);
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: Try not to call a closure in the expression where it is declared.
 --> $DIR/
7 |     let a = (|| 42)();
  |             ^^^^^^^^^ help: Try doing something like: : `42`

error: Try not to call a closure in the expression where it is declared.
  --> $DIR/
10 |     let mut k = (|m| m+1)(i);
   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: Try not to call a closure in the expression where it is declared.
  --> $DIR/
12 |     k = (|a,b| a*b)(1,5);
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to 5 previous errors