clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: redundant pattern matching, consider using `is_ok()`
 --> $DIR/
9 |     if let Ok(_) = Ok::<i32, i32>(42) {}
  |     -------^^^^^--------------------- help: try this: `if Ok::<i32, i32>(42).is_ok()`
  = note: `-D if-let-redundant-pattern-matching` implied by `-D warnings`

error: redundant pattern matching, consider using `is_err()`
  --> $DIR/
11 |     if let Err(_) = Err::<i32, i32>(42) {
   |     -------^^^^^^---------------------- help: try this: `if Err::<i32, i32>(42).is_err()`

error: redundant pattern matching, consider using `is_none()`
  --> $DIR/
14 |     if let None = None::<()> {
   |     -------^^^^------------- help: try this: `if None::<()>.is_none()`

error: redundant pattern matching, consider using `is_some()`
  --> $DIR/
17 |     if let Some(_) = Some(42) {
   |     -------^^^^^^^----------- help: try this: `if Some(42).is_some()`

error: aborting due to 4 previous errors