clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: immediately dereferencing a reference
  --> $DIR/
19 |     let b = *&a;
   |             ^^^ help: try this: `a`
   = note: `-D deref-addrof` implied by `-D warnings`

error: immediately dereferencing a reference
  --> $DIR/
21 |     let b = *&get_number();
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try this: `get_number()`

error: immediately dereferencing a reference
  --> $DIR/
26 |     let b = *&bytes[1..2][0];
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try this: `bytes[1..2][0]`

error: immediately dereferencing a reference
  --> $DIR/
30 |     let b = *&(a);
   |             ^^^^^ help: try this: `(a)`

error: immediately dereferencing a reference
  --> $DIR/
32 |     let b = *(&a);
   |             ^^^^^ help: try this: `a`

error: immediately dereferencing a reference
  --> $DIR/
34 |     let b = *((&a));
   |             ^^^^^^^ help: try this: `a`

error: immediately dereferencing a reference
  --> $DIR/
36 |     let b = *&&a;
   |             ^^^^ help: try this: `&a`

error: immediately dereferencing a reference
  --> $DIR/
38 |     let b = **&aref;
   |              ^^^^^^ help: try this: `aref`

error: immediately dereferencing a reference
  --> $DIR/
42 |     let b = **&&a;
   |              ^^^^ help: try this: `&a`

error: immediately dereferencing a reference
  --> $DIR/
46 |         let y = *&mut x;
   |                 ^^^^^^^ help: try this: `x`

error: immediately dereferencing a reference
  --> $DIR/
53 |         let y = **&mut &mut x;
   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try this: `&mut x`

error: aborting due to 11 previous errors