clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: const index is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
12 |     x[4];
   |     ^^^^
   = note: `-D out-of-bounds-indexing` implied by `-D warnings`

error: const index is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
13 |     x[1 << 3];
   |     ^^^^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
14 |     &x[1..5];
   |      ^^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
16 |     &x[0..=4];
   |      ^^^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
17 |     &x[..=4];
   |      ^^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
21 |     &x[5..];
   |      ^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
23 |     &x[..5];
   |      ^^^^^^

error: indexing may panic
  --> $DIR/
26 |     y[0];
   |     ^^^^
   = note: `-D indexing-slicing` implied by `-D warnings`

error: slicing may panic
  --> $DIR/
27 |     &y[1..2];
   |      ^^^^^^^

error: slicing may panic
  --> $DIR/
29 |     &y[0..=4];
   |      ^^^^^^^^

error: slicing may panic
  --> $DIR/
30 |     &y[..=4];
   |      ^^^^^^^

error: const index is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
33 |     empty[0];
   |     ^^^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
34 |     &empty[1..5];
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
35 |     &empty[0..=4];
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
36 |     &empty[..=4];
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
40 |     &empty[0..=0];
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
41 |     &empty[..=0];
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
43 |     &empty[1..];
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^

error: range is out of bounds
  --> $DIR/
44 |     &empty[..4];
   |      ^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to 19 previous errors