clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: identical conversion
 --> $DIR/
4 |     let _ = T::from(val);
  |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `T::from()`: `val`
note: lint level defined here
 --> $DIR/
1 | #![deny(identity_conversion)]
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: identical conversion
 --> $DIR/
5 |     val.into()
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into()`: `val`

error: identical conversion
  --> $DIR/
17 |         let _: i32 = 0i32.into();
   |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into()`: `0i32`

error: identical conversion
  --> $DIR/
37 |     let _: String = "foo".to_string().into();
   |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into()`: `"foo".to_string()`

error: identical conversion
  --> $DIR/
38 |     let _: String = From::from("foo".to_string());
   |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `From::from()`: `"foo".to_string()`

error: identical conversion
  --> $DIR/
39 |     let _ = String::from("foo".to_string());
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `String::from()`: `"foo".to_string()`

error: aborting due to 6 previous errors