clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: casting a `fn(usize) -> Foo {Foo::A}` to `i32` may truncate the function address value.
  --> $DIR/
12 |     let _y = x as i32;
   |              ^^^^^^^^ help: if you need the address of the function, consider: `x as usize`
   = note: #[deny(fn_to_numeric_cast_with_truncation)] on by default

error: casting a `fn(usize) -> Foo {Foo::A}` to `i32` may truncate the function address value.
  --> $DIR/
13 |     let _y1 = Foo::A as i32;
   |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if you need the address of the function, consider: `Foo::A as usize`

error: casting a `fn(usize) -> Foo {Foo::A}` to `u32` may truncate the function address value.
  --> $DIR/
14 |     let _y = x as u32;
   |              ^^^^^^^^ help: if you need the address of the function, consider: `x as usize`

error: casting a `fn() -> i32 {bar}` to `u32` may truncate the function address value.
  --> $DIR/
15 |     let _z = bar as u32;
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^ help: if you need the address of the function, consider: `bar as usize`

error: casting a `fn() -> i32 {bar}` to `i64` may truncate the function address value.
  --> $DIR/
16 |     let _y = bar as i64;
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^ help: if you need the address of the function, consider: `bar as usize`

error: casting a `fn() -> i32 {bar}` to `u64` is bad style.
  --> $DIR/
17 |     let _y = bar as u64;
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^ help: if you need the address of the function, consider: `bar as usize`
   = note: `-D fn-to-numeric-cast` implied by `-D warnings`

error: casting a `fn(usize) -> Foo {Foo::A}` to `i128` is bad style.
  --> $DIR/
18 |     let _z = Foo::A as i128;
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if you need the address of the function, consider: `Foo::A as usize`

error: casting a `fn(usize) -> Foo {Foo::A}` to `u128` is bad style.
  --> $DIR/
19 |     let _z = Foo::A as u128;
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if you need the address of the function, consider: `Foo::A as usize`

error: casting a `fn() -> i32 {bar}` to `i128` is bad style.
  --> $DIR/
20 |     let _z = bar as i128;
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if you need the address of the function, consider: `bar as usize`

error: casting a `fn() -> i32 {bar}` to `u128` is bad style.
  --> $DIR/
21 |     let _z = bar as u128;
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if you need the address of the function, consider: `bar as usize`

error: aborting due to 10 previous errors