clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: redundant closure found
 --> $DIR/
7 |     let a = Some(1u8).map(|a| foo(a));
  |                           ^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove closure as shown: `foo`
  = note: `-D redundant-closure` implied by `-D warnings`

error: redundant closure found
 --> $DIR/
8 |     meta(|a| foo(a));
  |          ^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove closure as shown: `foo`

error: redundant closure found
 --> $DIR/
9 |     let c = Some(1u8).map(|a| {1+2; foo}(a));
  |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove closure as shown: `{1+2; foo}`

error: this expression borrows a reference that is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
  --> $DIR/
11 |     all(&[1, 2, 3], &&2, |x, y| below(x, y)); //is adjusted
   |                     ^^^ help: change this to: `&2`
   = note: `-D needless-borrow` implied by `-D warnings`

error: redundant closure found
  --> $DIR/
18 |     let e = Some(1u8).map(|a| generic(a));
   |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove closure as shown: `generic`

error: aborting due to 5 previous errors