clippy 0.0.208

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
error: Found an empty line after an outer attribute. Perhaps you forgot to add a '!' to make it an inner attribute?
 --> $DIR/
5 | / #[crate_type = "lib"]
6 | |
7 | | /// some comment
8 | | fn with_one_newline_and_comment() { assert!(true) }
  | |_
  = note: `-D empty-line-after-outer-attr` implied by `-D warnings`

error: Found an empty line after an outer attribute. Perhaps you forgot to add a '!' to make it an inner attribute?
  --> $DIR/
17 | / #[crate_type = "lib"]
18 | |
19 | | fn with_one_newline() { assert!(true) }
   | |_

error: Found an empty line after an outer attribute. Perhaps you forgot to add a '!' to make it an inner attribute?
  --> $DIR/
22 | / #[crate_type = "lib"]
23 | |
24 | |
25 | | fn with_two_newlines() { assert!(true) }
   | |_

error: Found an empty line after an outer attribute. Perhaps you forgot to add a '!' to make it an inner attribute?
  --> $DIR/
29 | / #[crate_type = "lib"]
30 | |
31 | | enum Baz {
   | |_

error: Found an empty line after an outer attribute. Perhaps you forgot to add a '!' to make it an inner attribute?
  --> $DIR/
37 | / #[crate_type = "lib"]
38 | |
39 | | struct Foo {
   | |_

error: Found an empty line after an outer attribute. Perhaps you forgot to add a '!' to make it an inner attribute?
  --> $DIR/
45 | / #[crate_type = "lib"]
46 | |
47 | | mod foo {
   | |_

error: aborting due to 6 previous errors