Crate dae_parser

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§Collada parser

This is a parser for the Collada (.dae) format, used for interchange between 3D renderers and games. Compared to the collada crate, this crate attempts to more directly represent the Collada data model, and it is also significantly more complete. It supports both reading and writing.


The main entry point is the Document type, which has a FromStr implementation to convert literal strings / slices, or Document::from_file to read from a .dae file on disk.

Collada documents are parsed eagerly, validating everything according to the COLLADA schema. Once parsed, the data structures (structs and enums) can be navigated directly, as all the data structures are public, and reflect the XML schema closely.

This library implements only version 1.4.1 of the Collada spec, although it may be expanded in the future. (Please open an issue or PR if you find anything missing from the spec, or if you have a use case for a later version.)

use std::str::FromStr;
use dae_parser::*;

let dae_file = r##"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<COLLADA xmlns="" version="1.4.1">
    <geometry id="Cube-mesh" name="Cube">
        <source id="Cube-mesh-positions">
          <float_array id="Cube-mesh-positions-array" count="18">
            1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1
            <accessor source="#Cube-mesh-positions-array" count="6" stride="3">
              <param name="X" type="float"/>
              <param name="Y" type="float"/>
              <param name="Z" type="float"/>
        <vertices id="Cube-mesh-vertices">
          <input semantic="POSITION" source="#Cube-mesh-positions"/>
        <triangles material="Material-material" count="4">
          <input semantic="VERTEX" source="#Cube-mesh-vertices" offset="0"/>
          <p>3 1 0 1 5 2 3 4 1 1 4 5</p>

let document = Document::from_str(dae_file).unwrap();
let cube = document.local_map::<Geometry>().unwrap().get_str("Cube-mesh").unwrap();
let sources_map = document.local_map::<Source>().unwrap();
let vertices_map = document.local_map::<Vertices>().unwrap();
// sources.get("Cube-mesh-positions").unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "Cube-mesh");
let mesh = cube.element.as_mesh().unwrap();
let tris = mesh.elements[0].as_triangles().unwrap();
    &[3, 1, 0, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 4, 5]
assert_eq!(tris.inputs[0].semantic, Semantic::Vertex);
let vertices = vertices_map.get_raw(&tris.inputs[0].source).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "Cube-mesh-vertices");
let source = sources_map
assert_eq!(, Some("Cube-mesh-positions"));


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  • Contains functions for reading vertex and other data out of the geometry types, like Mesh.
  • Contains the LocalMap and LocalMaps types, used to resolve internal ID references.
  • Contains functions for reading data out of a Source.


  • Describes a stream of values from an array data source.
  • An unparsed COLLADA target address. See the “Address Syntax” section in Chapter 3: Schema concepts of the COLLADA spec.
  • Describes an ambient light source.
  • Categorizes the declaration of animation information.
  • Defines a section of a set of animation curves to be used together as an animation clip.
  • Adds a strongly typed annotation remark to the parent object.
  • Defines asset-management information regarding its parent element.
  • Defines an attachment frame, to a rigid body or a node, within a rigid constraint.
  • Binds values to uniform inputs of a shader or binds values to effect parameters upon instantiation. In the COLLADA spec, this element is called “<bind> (material)”.
  • Binds a specific material to a piece of geometry, binding varying and uniform parameters at the same time.
  • Binds geometry vertex inputs to effect vertex inputs upon instantiation.
  • Produces a specularly shaded surface with a Blinn BRDF approximation.
  • Stores a homogenous array of Boolean values.
  • Declares an axis-aligned, centered box primitive. (Note: The type is not called Box to avoid the name clash with the Rust builtin type.)
  • Declares a view of the visual scene hierarchy or scene graph. The camera contains elements that describe the camera’s optics and imager.
  • Declares a capsule primitive that is centered on and aligned with the local y axis.
  • Declares an output channel of an animation.
  • The extra data in a TechniqueFx as the child of ProfileCommon.
  • Produces a constantly shaded surface that is independent of lighting.
  • Defines authoring information for asset management.
  • Describes the control vertices (CVs) of a spline.
  • Categorizes the declaration of generic control information.
  • Declares a cylinder primitive that is centered on, and aligned with, the local y axis.
  • Describes a directional light source.
  • A Collada document. Represents the <COLLADA> root node.
  • Provides a self-contained description of a COLLADA effect.
  • Assigns a new value to a previously defined parameter.
  • A struct representing a DOM Element.
  • Declares information specifying how to evaluate a VisualScene.
  • Provides arbitrary additional information about or related to its parent element.
  • Stores a homogenous array of floating-point values.
  • Provides a general container for force fields.
  • This element describes the important features intended by the author so that the application can pick a format that best represents what the author wanted.
  • The common data for the geometry types:
  • Describes the visual shape and appearance of an object in a scene.
  • Stores a homogenous array of ID reference values.
  • Declares the storage for the graphical representation of an object.
  • Represents the image sensor of a camera (for example, film or CCD).
  • Declares the input semantics of a data source and connects a consumer to that source. In the COLLADA spec this is called “<input> (unshared)”.
  • Wraps a group of inputs and precalculates the depth field.
  • Declares the input semantics of a data source and connects a consumer to that source. In the COLLADA spec this is called “<input> (shared)”.
  • Instantiates a COLLADA material resource, possibly applying transformations or effects to the object.
  • Extra data associated to Instance<Controller>.
  • Extra data associated to Instance<Effect>.
  • Extra data associated to Instance<Geometry>.
  • Instantiates a COLLADA material resource.
  • Extra data associated to Instance<PhysicsModel>.
  • Instantiates an object described by a RigidBody within an Instance<PhysicsModel>.
  • Specifies the rigid-body information for the common profile that all COLLADA implementations must support.
  • Instantiates an object described by a RigidConstraint within an Instance<PhysicsModel>.
  • Stores a homogenous array of integer values.
  • An iterator over all T elements for a ParseLibrary type T, returned by Document::iter.
  • Declares the association between joint nodes and attribute data.
  • Produces a diffuse shaded surface that is independent of lighting.
  • Declares a module of elements of type T.
  • An iterator over all Library<T> elements for a particular T, returned by Document::library_iter.
  • Declares a light source that illuminates a scene.
  • A set of min/max limits used for both linear and angular constraints.
  • The data for a Lines element.
  • The data for a LineStrips element.
  • A map for looking up elements of type T in the document by ID.
  • A data structure which maintains LocalMaps for every applicable type. If you need to use Document::local_map for many different types, it may be more efficient to use this type, which calculates all maps in a single pass.
  • Contains a position and orientation transformation suitable for aiming a camera.
  • Describes the visual appearance of a geometric object.
  • Describes transformations that embody mathematical changes to points within a coordinate system or the coordinate system itself.
  • Describes basic geometric meshes using vertex and primitive information.
  • Describes the data required to blend between sets of static meshes.
  • Stores a homogenous array of symbolic name values.
  • Instruction to create a new, named Param object in the FX Runtime, assign it a type, an initial value, and additional attributes at declaration time.
  • Embodies the hierarchical relationship of elements in a scene.
  • Represents the apparatus on a camera that projects the image onto the image sensor.
  • Describes the field of view of an orthographic camera.
  • Declares parametric information for its parent element.
  • Describes the field of view of a perspective camera.
  • Produces a specularly shaded surface where the specular reflection is shaded according the Phong BRDF approximation.
  • Defines the physical properties of an object.
  • Specifies physics-material information for the common profile that all COLLADA implementations must support.
  • Allows for building complex combinations of rigid bodies and constraints that may be instantiated multiple times.
  • Specifies an environment in which physical objects are instantiated and simulated.
  • Specifies physics-scene information for the common profile that all COLLADA implementations must support.
  • Defines an infinite plane primitive.
  • Describes a point light source.
  • The data for a PolyList element.
  • The data for a Polygons element.
  • The data for an individual polygon-with-hole.
  • The <profile_CG> element and its contents are unsupported and represented here as a raw XML element.
  • Opens a block of platform-independent declarations for the common, fixed-function shader.
  • The <profile_GLES> element and its contents are unsupported and represented here as a raw XML element.
  • The <profile_GLSL> element and its contents are unsupported and represented here as a raw XML element.
  • A wrapper around a base type A to indicate that the value is pointing to a value of type T.
  • Describes one effect pass to evaluate a scene.
  • Describes simulated bodies that do not deform.
  • Specifies rigid-body information for the common profile that every COLLADA implmentation must support.
  • Connects components, such as RigidBody, into complex physics models with moveable parts.
  • Specifies rigid-constraint information for the common profile that all COLLADA implementations must support.
  • Specifies how to rotate an object around an axis.
  • Declares an interpolation sampling function for an animation.
  • Declares a two-dimensional texture sampler.
  • Specifies how to change an object’s size.
  • Embodies the entire set of information that can be visualized from the contents of a COLLADA resource.
  • Describes components of a RigidBody.
  • Specifies how to deform an object along one axis.
  • Contains vertex and primitive information sufficient to describe blend-weight skinning.
  • Declares a data repository that provides values according to the semantics of an Input element that refers to it.
  • Describes a centered sphere primitive.
  • Describes a multisegment spline with control vertex (CV) and segment information.
  • Describes a spot light source.
  • A spring constraint, used for both linear and angular constraints.
  • Declares a resource that can be used both as the source for texture samples and as the target of a rendering pass.
  • Describes a tapered capsule primitive that is centered on, and aligned with, the local y axis.
  • Describes a tapered cylinder primitive that is centered on and aligned with the local y axis.
  • Declares morph targets, their weights, and any user-defined attributes associated with them.
  • Declares the information used to process some portion of the content. Each technique conforms to an associated profile. In the COLLADA spec, this element is called “<technique> (core)”.
  • Holds a description of the textures, samplers, shaders, parameters, and passes necessary for rendering this effect using one method.
  • Adds a hint for a platform of which technique to use in this effect.
  • A color parameter referencing a texture.
  • Changes the position of an object in a local coordinate system.
  • The data for a TriFans element.
  • The data for a TriStrips element.
  • The data for a Triangles element.
  • Defines unit of distance for COLLADA elements and objects. This unit of distance applies to all spatial measurements within the scope of Asset’s parent element, unless overridden by a more local Asset / Unit.
  • Describes the combination of joints and weights used by a skin.
  • Declares the attributes and identity of mesh-vertices.
  • Embodies the entire set of information that can be visualized from the contents of a COLLADA resource.
  • A struct that attaches an optional SID to a shader parameter.


  • A strongly typed value that represents the VALUE in an object of the form SYMBOL = VALUE.
  • A data array element.
  • A type that describes color attributes of fixed-function shader elements inside ProfileCommon effects.
  • The element that contains control data.
  • Either an instance of a T, or a directly inlined T object.
  • The main error type used by this library.
  • A type that describes the scalar attributes of fixed-function shader elements inside ProfileCommon effects.
  • An element that describes geometric data.
  • An Image or NewParam element.
  • A specification of the source of data for an image.
  • A library element, which can be a module of any of the kinds supported by COLLADA.
  • The kind of light being described.
  • Collada spec says that created and modified times should follow ISO 8601, but chrono asserts that this means that timezones are required and Blender doesn’t seem to add them. To avoid crashing, we store the unparsed date as a string.
  • Additional information about the volatility or linkage of a parameter.
  • Which blending technique to use.
  • The type of a Node element.
  • A parameter’s type. We do not have full support here, but unknown types can be retrieved in the Other variant.
  • A collection of primitive elements.
  • A <profile_*> element.
  • The projection type of the camera.
  • A RigidBody transform is a subset of the full set of Transforms which restricts to euclidean transformations (translation and rotation).
  • (Undocumented?) Enumerated type fx_sampler_filter_common from COLLADA spec.
  • An Input semantic attribute. Common / defined values are pre-parsed, and the remainder are in the Other variant.
  • A shader element.
  • The geometry of a shape. This can be either an inline definition using Plane, Sphere etc, or a Instance<Geometry>, which can reference other geometry types.
  • The per-texel layout of the format. The length of the enumeration string indicates how many channels there are and each letter represents the name of a channel. There are typically 1 to 4 channels.
  • Specifies a surface on a cube.
  • A Surface initialization option, which specifies whether to initialize the surface and how to do so.
  • Contains additional hints about data relationships and other things to help an application pick the best format.
  • The precision of the texel channel value.
  • The range of texel channel values. Each channel represents a range of values. Some example ranges are signed or unsigned integers, or are within a clamped range such as 0.0f to 1.0f, or are a high dynamic range via floating point.
  • Specifies a surface on a cube.
  • A transformation, that can be represented as a matrix (but may be expressed in another way for convenience).
  • Descriptive information about the coordinate system of the geometric data. All coordinates are right-handed by definition.
  • A (really) basic URL parser.
  • Wrap modes that affect the interpretation of s, t, and p texture coordinates in Sampler* elements.


Type Aliases§

  • Provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into connected line-strips.
  • Provides the information needed for a mesh to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into individual lines.
  • A strongly typed string referencing a T.
  • Provides the information needed for a mesh to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into individual polygons.
  • Provides the information needed for a mesh to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into individual polygons.
  • Provides the information needed for a mesh to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into connected triangles.
  • Provides the information needed for a mesh to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into connected triangles.
  • Provides the information needed for a mesh to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into individual triangles.
  • A strongly typed URL referencing a T.