AStar | core class AStar inherits Reference (reference counted).
Aabb | Axis-aligned bounding box.
AnimatedTexture | core class AnimatedTexture inherits Texture (reference counted).
ArrayMesh | core class ArrayMesh inherits Mesh (reference counted).
AtlasTexture | core class AtlasTexture inherits Texture (reference counted).
BackBufferCopy | core class BackBufferCopy inherits Node2D (unsafe).
Basis | A 3x3 matrix.
BitMap | core class BitMap inherits Resource (reference counted).
BitmapFont | core class BitmapFont inherits Font (reference counted).
BoxShape | core class BoxShape inherits Shape (reference counted).
ByteArray | A reference-counted vector of bytes that uses Godot's pool allocator.
Camera | core class Camera inherits Spatial (unsafe).
Camera2D | core class Camera2D inherits Node2D (unsafe).
CanvasItem | core class CanvasItem inherits Node (unsafe).
CanvasLayer | core class CanvasLayer inherits Node (unsafe).
CanvasModulate | core class CanvasModulate inherits Node2D (unsafe).
CapsuleMesh | core class CapsuleMesh inherits PrimitiveMesh (reference counted).
CapsuleShape | core class CapsuleShape inherits Shape (reference counted).
CapsuleShape2D | core class CapsuleShape2D inherits Shape2D (reference counted).
CircleShape2D | core class CircleShape2D inherits Shape2D (reference counted).
ClassDB | core singleton class ClassDB inherits Object (unsafe).
CollisionPolygon | core class CollisionPolygon inherits Spatial (unsafe).
Color | RGBA color with 32 bits floating point components.
ColorArray | A reference-counted vector of ColorArray that uses Godot's pool allocator.
ConcavePolygonShape | core class ConcavePolygonShape inherits Shape (reference counted).
ConcavePolygonShape2D | core class ConcavePolygonShape2D inherits Shape2D (reference counted).
ConfigFile | core class ConfigFile inherits Reference (reference counted).
ConvexPolygonShape | core class ConvexPolygonShape inherits Shape (reference counted).
ConvexPolygonShape2D | core class ConvexPolygonShape2D inherits Shape2D (reference counted).
CubeMesh | core class CubeMesh inherits PrimitiveMesh (reference counted).
Curve | core class Curve inherits Resource (reference counted).
Curve2D | core class Curve2D inherits Resource (reference counted).
Curve3D | core class Curve3D inherits Resource (reference counted).
CylinderMesh | core class CylinderMesh inherits PrimitiveMesh (reference counted).
CylinderShape | core class CylinderShape inherits Shape (reference counted).
Dictionary | A reference-counted Dictionary of Variant key-value pairs.
Directory | core class Directory inherits Reference (reference counted).
DynamicFont | core class DynamicFont inherits Font (reference counted).
DynamicFontData | core class DynamicFontData inherits Resource (reference counted).
EncodedObjectAsID | core class EncodedObjectAsID inherits Reference (reference counted).
Engine | core singleton class Engine inherits Object (unsafe).
Environment | core class Environment inherits Resource (reference counted).
File | core class File inherits Reference (reference counted).
Float32Array | A reference-counted vector of f32 that uses Godot's pool allocator.
Font | core class Font inherits Resource (reference counted).
FreeOnDrop | A wrapper that automatically frees the object when dropped.
FuncRef | core class FuncRef inherits Reference (reference counted).
GDNative | core class GDNative inherits Reference (reference counted).
GDNativeLibrary | core class GDNativeLibrary inherits Resource (reference counted).
GDScript | core class GDScript inherits Script (reference counted).
GDScriptFunctionState | core class GDScriptFunctionState inherits Reference (reference counted).
Geometry | core singleton class Geometry inherits Object (unsafe).
GeometryInstance | core class GeometryInstance inherits VisualInstance (unsafe).
GlobalConstants | core singleton class GlobalConstants (unsafe).
GodotString | Godot's reference-counted string type.
Gradient | core class Gradient inherits Resource (reference counted).
GradientTexture | core class GradientTexture inherits Texture (reference counted).
GridMap | core class GridMap inherits Spatial (unsafe).
Image | core class Image inherits Resource (reference counted).
ImageTexture | core class ImageTexture inherits Texture (reference counted).
ImmediateGeometry | core class ImmediateGeometry inherits GeometryInstance (unsafe).
Input | core singleton class Input inherits Object (unsafe).
InputDefault | core class InputDefault inherits Input (unsafe).
InputEvent | core class InputEvent inherits Resource (reference counted).
InputEventKey | core class InputEventKey inherits InputEventWithModifiers (reference counted).
InputEventWithModifiers | core class InputEventWithModifiers inherits InputEvent (reference counted).
InputMap | core singleton class InputMap inherits Object (unsafe).
InstancePlaceholder | core class InstancePlaceholder inherits Node (unsafe).
Int32Array | A reference-counted vector of i32 that uses Godot's pool allocator.
InterpolatedCamera | core class InterpolatedCamera inherits Camera (unsafe).
JSON | core singleton class JSON inherits Object (unsafe).
JSONParseResult | core class JSONParseResult inherits Reference (reference counted).
JavaScript | core singleton class JavaScript inherits Object (unsafe).
LargeTexture | core class LargeTexture inherits Texture (reference counted).
Line2D | core class Line2D inherits Node2D (unsafe).
LineShape2D | core class LineShape2D inherits Shape2D (reference counted).
Listener | core class Listener inherits Spatial (unsafe).
MainLoop | core class MainLoop inherits Object (unsafe).
Marshalls | core singleton class Marshalls inherits Reference (unsafe).
Material | core class Material inherits Resource (reference counted).
Mesh | core class Mesh inherits Resource (reference counted).
MeshDataTool | core class MeshDataTool inherits Reference (reference counted).
MeshInstance | core class MeshInstance inherits GeometryInstance (unsafe).
MeshInstance2D | core class MeshInstance2D inherits Node2D (unsafe).
MeshLibrary | core class MeshLibrary inherits Resource (reference counted).
MultiMesh | core class MultiMesh inherits Resource (reference counted).
MultiMeshInstance | core class MultiMeshInstance inherits GeometryInstance (unsafe).
MultiplayerAPI | core class MultiplayerAPI inherits Reference (reference counted).
Mutex | core class Mutex inherits Reference (reference counted).
NativeInstanceHeader | Godot native class implementation detail that must be stored
in each instance.
NativeRef | A reference to a rust native script.
NativeScript | core class NativeScript inherits Script (reference counted).
Navigation | core class Navigation inherits Spatial (unsafe).
Navigation2D | core class Navigation2D inherits Node2D (unsafe).
NavigationMesh | core class NavigationMesh inherits Resource (reference counted).
NavigationMeshInstance | core class NavigationMeshInstance inherits Spatial (unsafe).
NavigationPolygon | core class NavigationPolygon inherits Resource (reference counted).
NavigationPolygonInstance | core class NavigationPolygonInstance inherits Node2D (unsafe).
NetworkedMultiplayerPeer | core class NetworkedMultiplayerPeer inherits PacketPeer (reference counted).
Node | core class Node inherits Object (unsafe).
Node2D | core class Node2D inherits CanvasItem (unsafe).
NodePath | A reference-counted relative or absolute path in a scene tree, for use with Node.get_node() and similar
functions. It can reference a node, a resource within a node, or a property of a node or
OS | core singleton class OS inherits Object (unsafe).
Object | The base class of most Godot classes.
OrientedPathFollow | core class OrientedPathFollow inherits Spatial (unsafe).
PCKPacker | core class PCKPacker inherits Reference (reference counted).
PHashTranslation | core class PHashTranslation inherits Translation (reference counted).
PackedDataContainer | core class PackedDataContainer inherits Resource (reference counted).
PackedDataContainerRef | core class PackedDataContainerRef inherits Reference (reference counted).
PackedScene | core class PackedScene inherits Resource (reference counted).
PacketPeer | core class PacketPeer inherits Reference (reference counted).
PanoramaSky | core class PanoramaSky inherits Sky (reference counted).
Path | core class Path inherits Spatial (unsafe).
Path2D | core class Path2D inherits Node2D (unsafe).
PathFollow | core class PathFollow inherits Spatial (unsafe).
PathFollow2D | core class PathFollow2D inherits Node2D (unsafe).
Performance | core singleton class Performance inherits Object (unsafe).
Plane | Plane in hessian form.
PlaneMesh | core class PlaneMesh inherits PrimitiveMesh (reference counted).
PlaneShape | core class PlaneShape inherits Shape (reference counted).
PluginScript | core class PluginScript inherits Script (reference counted).
Polygon2D | core class Polygon2D inherits Node2D (unsafe).
PolygonPathFinder | core class PolygonPathFinder inherits Resource (reference counted).
Position2D | core class Position2D inherits Node2D (unsafe).
Position3D | core class Position3D inherits Spatial (unsafe).
PrimitiveMesh | core class PrimitiveMesh inherits Mesh (reference counted).
PrismMesh | core class PrismMesh inherits PrimitiveMesh (reference counted).
ProceduralSky | core class ProceduralSky inherits Sky (reference counted).
ProjectSettings | core singleton class ProjectSettings inherits Object (unsafe).
ProximityGroup | core class ProximityGroup inherits Spatial (unsafe).
ProxyTexture | core class ProxyTexture inherits Texture (reference counted).
QuadMesh | core class QuadMesh inherits PrimitiveMesh (reference counted).
QueueFreeOnDrop | A wrapper that automatically enqueues the object for deletion when dropped.
RayCast | core class RayCast inherits Spatial (unsafe).
RayCast2D | core class RayCast2D inherits Node2D (unsafe).
RayShape | core class RayShape inherits Shape (reference counted).
RayShape2D | core class RayShape2D inherits Shape2D (reference counted).
RectangleShape2D | core class RectangleShape2D inherits Shape2D (reference counted).
Reference | Base class of all reference-counted types. Inherits Object .
RegEx | core class RegEx inherits Reference (reference counted).
RegExMatch | core class RegExMatch inherits Reference (reference counted).
RemoteTransform | core class RemoteTransform inherits Spatial (unsafe).
RemoteTransform2D | core class RemoteTransform2D inherits Node2D (unsafe).
Resource | core class Resource inherits Reference (reference counted).
ResourceImporter | core class ResourceImporter inherits Reference (reference counted).
ResourceInteractiveLoader | core class ResourceInteractiveLoader inherits Reference (reference counted).
ResourceLoader | core singleton class ResourceLoader inherits Object (unsafe).
ResourcePreloader | core class ResourcePreloader inherits Node (unsafe).
ResourceSaver | core singleton class ResourceSaver inherits Object (unsafe).
Rid | The RID type is used to access the unique integer ID of a resource.
They are opaque, so they do not grant access to the associated resource by themselves.
RootMotionView | core class RootMotionView inherits VisualInstance (unsafe).
SceneState | core class SceneState inherits Reference (reference counted).
SceneTree | core class SceneTree inherits MainLoop (unsafe).
SceneTreeTimer | core class SceneTreeTimer inherits Reference (reference counted).
Script | core class Script inherits Resource (reference counted).
SegmentShape2D | core class SegmentShape2D inherits Shape2D (reference counted).
Semaphore | core class Semaphore inherits Reference (reference counted).
Shader | core class Shader inherits Resource (reference counted).
Shape | core class Shape inherits Resource (reference counted).
Shape2D | core class Shape2D inherits Resource (reference counted).
Sky | core class Sky inherits Resource (reference counted).
Spatial | core class Spatial inherits Node (unsafe).
SpatialGizmo | core class SpatialGizmo inherits Reference (reference counted).
SpatialVelocityTracker | core class SpatialVelocityTracker inherits Reference (reference counted).
SphereMesh | core class SphereMesh inherits PrimitiveMesh (reference counted).
SphereShape | core class SphereShape inherits Shape (reference counted).
StringArray | A vector of GodotString that uses Godot's pool allocator.
StringName | |
StyleBox | core class StyleBox inherits Resource (reference counted).
StyleBoxEmpty | core class StyleBoxEmpty inherits StyleBox (reference counted).
StyleBoxFlat | core class StyleBoxFlat inherits StyleBox (reference counted).
StyleBoxLine | core class StyleBoxLine inherits StyleBox (reference counted).
StyleBoxTexture | core class StyleBoxTexture inherits StyleBox (reference counted).
SurfaceTool | core class SurfaceTool inherits Reference (reference counted).
TextFile | core class TextFile inherits Resource (reference counted).
Texture | core class Texture inherits Resource (reference counted).
Thread | core class Thread inherits Reference (reference counted).
Timer | core class Timer inherits Node (unsafe).
Transform | 3D Transformation (3x4 matrix) Using basis + origin representation.
Translation | core class Translation inherits Resource (reference counted).
TranslationServer | core singleton class TranslationServer inherits Object (unsafe).
TreeItem | core class TreeItem inherits Object (unsafe).
TriangleMesh | core class TriangleMesh inherits Reference (reference counted).
Variant | A Variant can represent many of godot's core types.
VariantArray | A reference-counted Variant vector. Godot's generic array data type.
Negative indices can be used to count from the right.
Vector2Array | A reference-counted vector of Vector2 that uses Godot's pool allocator.
Vector3Array | A reference-counted vector of Vector3 that uses Godot's pool allocator.
Viewport | core class Viewport inherits Node (unsafe).
ViewportTexture | core class ViewportTexture inherits Texture (reference counted).
VisibilityEnabler | core class VisibilityEnabler inherits VisibilityNotifier (unsafe).
VisibilityEnabler2D | core class VisibilityEnabler2D inherits VisibilityNotifier2D (unsafe).
VisibilityNotifier | core class VisibilityNotifier inherits Spatial (unsafe).
VisibilityNotifier2D | core class VisibilityNotifier2D inherits Node2D (unsafe).
VisualInstance | core class VisualInstance inherits Spatial (unsafe).
WeakRef | core class WeakRef inherits Reference (reference counted).
World | core class World inherits Resource (reference counted).
World2D | core class World2D inherits Resource (reference counted).
WorldEnvironment | core class WorldEnvironment inherits Node (unsafe).
XMLParser | core class XMLParser inherits Reference (reference counted).
YSort | core class YSort inherits Node2D (unsafe).