Crate tiled_json_rs

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A handy crate for parsing the Tiled JSON data in to a usable structure.

The crate includes a few small helper functions on Map, TileSet, and TileLayer. These functions are for common tasks such as generating a cloumn/row location (tiles are stored in a 1D array), a located box on an image for helping with tile-to-tilesheet image picking, and loading files (or strings).


use tiled_json_rs as tiled;
let map = tiled::Map::load_from_file(&PathBuf::from("tests/data/csv.json"))
           .expect("Failed to load map");
for tileset in &map.tile_sets {
    let name =;
    let mut path = PathBuf::from("assets");
    // Do stuff
use tiled::Layer;

fn render_layers(layers: &Vec<Layer>) {
    for layer in layers {
        match &layer.layer_type {
            tiled::LayerType::TileLayer(tiles) => {
            tiled::LayerType::Group { layers } => {
                &mut render_layers(layers);
            tiled::LayerType::ImageLayer(image) => {
            tiled::LayerType::ObjectGroup(objects) => {



Tiled can export maps as JSON files. To do so, simply select “File > Export As” and select the JSON file type. You can export json from the command line with the --export-map option.


  • GID for tiles starts at 1 with 0 reserved for empty tile
  • Local Id starts at 0 for TileSet, and only applies to TileSet
  • Doc comments are only provided where clarification may be useful. In general things should be named well enough that intention is self-describing.


  • Chunks are used to store the tile layer data for infinite maps
  • An RGBA representation of colours
  • Data for an individual frame of animation
  • Used to group layers if required
  • Contains a file path to an image plus a mix colour
  • A map can contain any number of layers.
  • The base structure which contains all data - as in the root of a tree
  • Contains all possible data for a tile including an optional ObjectGroup
  • Used to provide the location and dimensions of the required tile on the tiles tileset image.
  • A tileset that associates information with each tile.
  • A simple representation of a 2d Vector to pass coords around
  • Data set for Wang tiles


  • Can be TopDown (default) or Index. Applies to ObjectGroup only.
  • Contains the data for this variant of layer
  • Contains data for the object sub-types
  • The orientation of the Map
  • Rendering direction. Applies only to orthogonal maps
  • Applies only to staggered or hexagonal maps
  • Applies only to staggered or hexagonal maps
  • A TiledValue is similar to JSON values.