tensorboard-proto 0.5.7

protobuf in tensorboard
syntax = "proto3";

package tensorboardrs.mesh;

// A MeshPluginData encapsulates information on which plugins are able to make
// use of a certain summary value.
message MeshPluginData {
  enum ContentType {
    UNDEFINED = 0;
    VERTEX = 1;
    FACE = 2;  // Triangle face.
    COLOR = 3;

  // Version `0` is the only supported version.
  int32 version = 1;

  // The name of the mesh summary this particular summary belongs to.
  string name = 2;

  // Type of data in the summary.
  ContentType content_type = 3;

  // JSON-serialized dictionary of ThreeJS classes configuration.
  string json_config = 5;

  // Shape of underlying data. Cache it here for performance reasons.
  repeated int32 shape = 6;