tensorboard-proto 0.5.7

protobuf in tensorboard
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

syntax = "proto3";

package tensorboardrs;

 * Encapsulates information on a single chart. Many charts appear in a category.
message Chart {
  // The title shown atop this chart. Optional. Defaults to 'untitled'.
  string title = 1;

  // The content of the chart. This depends on the type of the chart.
  oneof content {
    MultilineChartContent multiline = 2;
    MarginChartContent margin = 3;

 * Encapsulates information on a single line chart. This line chart may have
 * lines associated with several tags.
message MultilineChartContent {
  // A list of regular expressions for tags that should appear in this chart.
  // Tags are matched from beginning to end. Each regex captures a set of tags.
  repeated string tag = 1;

 * Encapsulates information on a single margin chart. A margin chart uses fill
 * area to visualize lower and upper bounds that surround a value.
message MarginChartContent {
   * Encapsulates a tag of data for the chart.
  message Series {
    // The exact tag string associated with the scalar summaries making up the
    // main value between the bounds.
    string value = 1;

    // The exact tag string associated with the scalar summaries making up the
    // lower bound.
    string lower = 2;

    // The exact tag string associated with the scalar summaries making up the
    // upper bound.
    string upper = 3;

  // A list of data series to include within this margin chart.
  repeated Series series = 1;

 * A category contains a group of charts. Each category maps to a collapsible
 * within the dashboard.
message Category {
  // This string appears atop each grouping of charts within the dashboard.
  string title = 1;

  // Encapsulates data on charts to be shown in the category.
  repeated Chart chart = 2;

  // Whether this category should be initially closed. False by default.
  bool closed = 3;

 * A layout encapsulates how charts are laid out within the custom scalars
 * dashboard.
message Layout {
  // Version `0` is the only supported version.
  int32 version = 1;

  // The categories here are rendered from top to bottom.
  repeated Category category = 2;