tensorboard-proto 0.5.7

protobuf in tensorboard
syntax = "proto3";

package tensorboardrs;
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
option java_outer_classname = "EventProtos";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.tensorflow.util";

import "src/summary.proto";

// Protocol buffer representing an event that happened during
// the execution of a Brain model.
message Event {
  // Timestamp of the event.
  double wall_time = 1;

  // Global step of the event.
  int64 step = 2;

  oneof what {
    // An event file was started, with the specified version.
    // This is use to identify the contents of the record IO files
    // easily.  Current version is "brain.Event:2".  All versions
    // start with "brain.Event:".
    string file_version = 3;
    // An encoded version of a GraphDef.
    bytes graph_def = 4;
    // A summary was generated.
    Summary summary = 5;
    // The user output a log message. Not all messages are logged, only ones
    // generated via the Python tensorboard_logging module.
    LogMessage log_message = 6;
    // The state of the session which can be used for restarting after crashes.
    SessionLog session_log = 7;
    // The metadata returned by running a session.run() call.
    TaggedRunMetadata tagged_run_metadata = 8;
    // An encoded version of a MetaGraphDef.
    bytes meta_graph_def = 9;

// Protocol buffer used for logging messages to the events file.
message LogMessage {
  enum Level {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    DEBUG = 10;
    INFO = 20;
    WARN = 30;
    ERROR = 40;
    FATAL = 50;
  Level level = 1;
  string message = 2;

// Protocol buffer used for logging session state.
message SessionLog {
  enum SessionStatus {
    START = 1;
    STOP = 2;

  SessionStatus status = 1;
  // This checkpoint_path contains both the path and filename.
  string checkpoint_path = 2;
  string msg = 3;

// For logging the metadata output for a single session.run() call.
message TaggedRunMetadata {
  // Tag name associated with this metadata.
  string tag = 1;
  // Byte-encoded version of the `RunMetadata` proto in order to allow lazy
  // deserialization.
  bytes run_metadata = 2;