tensorboard-proto 0.5.7

protobuf in tensorboard
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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// Defines a proto3-based REST API that the HParams web-component of the plugin
// would use to read data from a hyperparameter-tuning experiment.
// This file defines the message types (resources) used
// to pass information into and out of the API methods. These messages will be
// transmitted using proto3 native JSON encoding. See http_api.md for a
// description of the actual HTTP API.

// General note: in what follows we use the field 'name' of a message to
// stores its id. We avoid calling this field 'id' since it is a reserved word
// in Python, as well as to be more compliant with the API style guide
// detailed in https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/.

// IMPORTANT: If you change any of the messages here, make sure to also update
// api.d.ts accordingly.

syntax = "proto3";

import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";

package tensorboardrs.hparam;

// Represents a single experiment.
// An experiment consists of multiple "sessions". Typically, in each session
// a model is trained for a given set of hyperparameter values. In each session
// a training program may generate one or more series of real numbers--each
// containing the evaluation of some metric on the model at different training
// steps.
// Note that Sessions can consist of multiple Tensorboard "runs", since in
// a distributed Tensorflow deployment, training can be accomplished using
// several cooporating processes, each one emitting Summary data to a different
// log directory or run. For example, in a single session one process could
// periodically compute the loss on the validation set, and another could
// compute the loss on the training set.
// NEXT_TAG: 7
message Experiment {
  // -- Experiments are scoped by a global name.
  // Currently, Tensorboard supports displaying data for a single experiment.
  string name = 6;

  // A description. May contain markdown.
  string description = 1;

  // An id for the owning user or group.
  string user = 2;

  // The time the experiment was created. In seconds since the UNIX epoch.
  double time_created_secs = 3;

  // Information about each hyperparameter used in the experiment.
  repeated HParamInfo hparam_infos = 4;

  // Information about each metric used in the experiment.
  repeated MetricInfo metric_infos = 5;

// NEXT_TAG: 7
message HParamInfo {
  // An id for the hyperparameter.
  string name = 1;

  // A string used to display the hyperparameter in the UI. If empty, the UI
  // will display the 'name' field.
  string display_name = 2;

  // A description. May contain markdown.
  string description = 3;

  // The data type of this hyperparameter.
  DataType type = 4;

  // Specifies the set of values this hyperparameter can hold. The UI assumes
  // every instance of this hyperparameter will hold a value from this set. It
  // is used by the UI to allow filtering so that only session groups (see
  // below) whose associated hyperparameter value "passes" the filter are
  // displayed. If this is not populated, the domain is assumed to be the
  // entire domain of the type of the hyperparameter.
  oneof domain {
    // A discrete set of the values this hyperparameter can hold.
    google.protobuf.ListValue domain_discrete = 5;
    // Numeric data type only. The (real) interval from which values of this
    // hyperparameter are taken.
    Interval domain_interval = 6;

enum DataType {

// Represents the closed interval [min_value, max_value] of the real line.
// NEXT_TAG: 3
message Interval {
  double min_value = 1;
  double max_value = 2;

// NEXT_TAG: 3
message MetricName {
  // An identifier for a metric. A metric is a real-valued function of the
  // model. The UI can plot metrics for a session evaluated on the model at
  // different training steps.
  // We identify a metric by a (group, tag) pair of strings. The UI treats
  // both of these as opaque strings. The only requirement is that the pair
  // uniquely identifies a metric in the experiment.
  // We use a pair so the UI could allow the user to group metrics for a
  // single session by either group or tag to be displayed in the same chart.
  // For instance, one can set the metric group to correspond to the dataset
  // on which the model was evaluated, and the UI can then display different
  // metrics describing the same underlying computation and using different
  // datasets, on the same chart.
  // When exporting summaries from Tensorflow, in a typical setup, a
  // training session exports evaluations of metrics at different training steps
  // as Scalar-plugin summaries--each having a run of the form
  // "<session_base_log_dir>/<sub_dir>", and some associated tag. The same
  // metric for different sessions would use the same sub_dir and tag, but
  // would have a different session_base_log_dir. For example, a session
  // computing two metrics: model loss on the validation set and model loss on
  // the training set, can export these as scalar summaries with the tag "loss"
  // and runs session_base_log_dir/validation and session_base_log_dir/training,
  // respectively. In this setup, the 'group' field can be populated with
  // the "sub_dir" associated with the metric, and the 'tag' field can be
  // populated with the tag: "loss".
  string group = 1;
  string tag = 2;

// NEXT_TAG: 6
message MetricInfo {
  MetricName name = 1;

  // A string used to display the metric in the UI. If empty, the UI
  // will display the 'name' field.
  string display_name = 3;

  // A description. May contain markdown.
  string description = 4;

  // The dataset type (validation, training) on which the metric is computed.
  DatasetType dataset_type = 5;

enum DatasetType {

// In some experiments, the user trains a model with the same set of
// hyperparameters multiple times to get the distribution of metric
// evaluations, when the computation (such as the training algorithm, or metric
// evaluation) is non-deterministic. To make the UI aware of this, sessions
// are partitioned into groups: each group consists of all training sessions
// which share the same values for the hyperparameters. In experiments with no
// repeated executions, each group consists of exactly one session.
// NEXT_TAG: 6
message SessionGroup {
  string name = 1;

  // Stores the hyperparameters for sessions within this group as a mapping
  // from the hyperparameter name to its value.
  map<string /* hparam name */, google.protobuf.Value> hparams = 2;

  // A list of pairs (metric, value)--one for each metric in the experiment.
  // The value denotes the evaluation of the corresponding metric on
  // the model aggregated across the sessions in this group. The exact method
  // of aggregation is specified in the comments of ListSessionGroupsRequest.
  // Unfortunately, we can't store these as a map, since proto maps can't have
  // message keys.
  repeated MetricValue metric_values = 3;

  // The sessions belonging to this group.
  repeated Session sessions = 4;

  // An optional link to a web page monitoring the session group.
  string monitor_url = 5;

// NEXT_TAG: 5
message MetricValue {
  MetricName name = 1;

  double value = 2;

  // The training step at which this value is computed.
  int32 training_step = 3;

  // The wall time in seconds since UNIX epoch at which this value is computed.
  double wall_time_secs = 4;

// NEXT_TAG: 8
message Session {
  // An id for the session. Unique within an experiment (not just the group).
  string name = 1;

  // In seconds since the UNIX epoch.
  double start_time_secs = 2;

  // In seconds since the UNIX epoch.
  // May be 0 if unavailable or the session has not finished yet.
  double end_time_secs = 3;

  // May be STATUS_UNKNOWN if unavailable.
  Status status = 4;

  // A URI for a resource that will allow the user to reconstruct the model for
  // this session. E.g., in Tensorflow this could point to a directory where the
  // checkpoints are stored. Currently, this is treated opaquely by the UI
  // and only displayed to the user as it is passed here.
  string model_uri = 5;

  // Stores each metric evaluation on the model at the current training step.
  // Unfortunately, we can't store these as a map, since proto maps can't have
  // message keys.
  repeated MetricValue metric_values = 6;

  // An optional link to a web page monitoring the session.
  string monitor_url = 7;

// Represents the status of a Session.
enum Status {

// Parameters for a GetExperiment API call.
// Each experiment is scoped by a unique global id.
// NEXT_TAG: 2
message GetExperimentRequest {
  string experiment_name = 1;

// Parameters for a ListSessionGroups API call.
// Computes a list of the current session groups allowing for filtering and
// sorting by metrics and hyperparameter values. Returns a "slice" of
// that list specified by start_index and slice_size.
// NEXT_TAG: 8
message ListSessionGroupsRequest {
  string experiment_name = 6;

  // Filters the set of sessions (from which the session groups are formed) to
  // contain only these sessions whose status is contained in
  // 'allowed_statuses'.
  repeated Status allowed_statuses = 7;

  // A list of ColParams messages--one for each "column" of a session group. A
  // session group column contains either a metric evaluated at the current
  // reported computation step or a hyperparameter value. In addition to
  // 'regular' values, a column may take on a special 'missing-value' which
  // denotes that the hyperparameter or metric is not available
  // for the session group (for example, if the metric is not used in the
  // group).
  // The ColParams messages in the repeated field below configure filtering and
  // sorting of the resulting collection of session groups. See the comments of
  // the fields in the ColParam message below for more details.
  repeated ColParams col_params = 1;

  // Fields controlling how to aggregate metrics across sessions within a
  // session group.
  // If aggregation_type is AGGREGATION_AVG, each metric value of the
  // session group is the average of the values of the metric across the
  // sessions.
  // Otherwise, the session group metric values are taken directly from a
  // "representative" session in the group, selected as a session for which
  // primary_metric takes on its minimum, maximum, or median value, as
  // specified by the choice of aggregation_type (for median, if the number of
  // sessions in the group is even, a session with a lower "middle" value is
  // chosen as the representative session).
  AggregationType aggregation_type = 2;

  // See comment for 'aggregation_type' above.
  MetricName aggregation_metric = 3;

  // The next two parameters determine the "slice" of the full list of
  // session groups--sorted and filtered by the parameters above--to return.
  // The 0-based index of the first session group to return.
  int32 start_index = 4;

  // The number of session groups to return starting at the session group
  // indexed by 'start_index'. The actual number of session groups returned
  // is min{slice_size, total_size - start_index}, where
  // total_size is the number of session groups in the full list
  // sorted and filtered by the parameters above (if start_index > total_size
  // no session groups are returned).
  int32 slice_size = 5;

// Defines parmeters for a ListSessionGroupsRequest for a specific column.
// See the comment for "ListSessionGroupsRequest" above for more details.
// NEXT_TAG: 9
message ColParams {
  oneof name {
    MetricName metric = 1;
    string hparam = 2;

  // Sorting.
  // The final order of session groups in the response is defined by the sub
  // collection of ColParams messages (out of the
  // ListSessionGroupsRequest.col_params repeated field) whose 'order' field
  // (below) is not ORDER_UNSPECIFIED. In each of the messages in this
  // sub-collection, the next two fields specify the ordering of the values
  // and missing_values in the associated column of the session group. The
  // order of the ColParams messages themselves within the sub-collection
  // determines the "significance" of the associated column as a sorting key:
  // with the first being the primary sorting key, the second being the
  // secondary sorting key, etc.
  // Note: The 'session group name' is added as a least significant sorting
  // key to the keys defined by the user, so the order in the response is always
  // deterministic.
  SortOrder order = 3;
  // This field is ignored if order is ORDER_UNSPECIFIED.
  // Otherwise, if true, missing values are ordered before every other value in
  // the column; if false they are ordered after every other value in the
  // column.
  bool missing_values_first = 4;

  // Filtering.
  // The 'filter' oneof specifies a subset of the domain of the values a column
  // may take. Only session groups with each of their column values belonging
  // to this subset are included in the response. If this field is not
  // specified, the subset is taken to be the entire column domain.
  oneof filter {
    // Only valid for string-valued hyperparameter columns. The subset is
    // the set of all strings matching the regular expression stored
    // in 'regexp' as a partial match (use '^<regexp>$' to have a full
    // match against regexp).
    string filter_regexp = 5;

    // Only valid for numeric-valued columns. The subset is the given interval.
    Interval filter_interval = 6;

    // Valid for all data types. The subset is defined explicitly.
    google.protobuf.ListValue filter_discrete = 7;
  // Specifies whether to exclude session groups whose column value is missing
  // from the response.
  bool exclude_missing_values = 8;

enum SortOrder {
  ORDER_ASC = 1;

enum AggregationType {

// See ListSessionGroups in http_api.md.
// NEXT_TAG: 4
message ListSessionGroupsResponse {
  repeated SessionGroup session_groups = 1;

  // Denotes the total number of session groups in the full filtered list.
  // (Recall that this response may only be a slice).
  // It is used by the UI to calculate total number of pages and can be
  // set here to -1 to mean "unknown".
  int32 total_size = 3;

// See ListMetricEvalsRequest in http_api.md.
// NEXT_TAG: 4
message ListMetricEvalsRequest {
  string experiment_name = 3;
  string session_name = 1;
  MetricName metric_name = 2;