szs 0.3.4

Lightweight crate for SZS ("Yaz0") compression/decompression used in the Nintendo GameCube/Wii games. The library provides C, C++ and C# bindings. YAY0 ("SZP") is supported, too.


Lightweight crate for SZS ("Yaz0") compression/decompression used in the Nintendo GameCube/Wii games. The library provides C, C++, C#, and WIP Python bindings. YAY0 ("SZP") is supported, too.


The following snippet demonstrates how to compress a file as a SZS format using Rust:

let src_data: Vec<u8> = "Hello, World!".as_bytes().to_vec();

match szs::encode(&src_data, szs::EncodeAlgo::Nintendo) {
    Ok(encoded_data) => {
        println!("Encoded into {} bytes", encoded_data.len());
    Err(err) => {
        println!("Encoding failed: {}", err);

And similarly, to decompress:

match szs::decode(&encoded_data) {
    Ok(decoded_data) => {
        println!("Decoded {} bytes", decoded_data.len());
    Err(err) => {
        println!("Decoding failed: {}", err);

C# Bindings

The following C# bindings are provided:

public static void Main(string[] args)
    byte[] data = ...;
    szs.CompressionAlgorithm algorithm = szs.CompressionAlgorithm.Nintendo;
        byte[] encodedData = szs.Encode(data, algorithm);
        Console.WriteLine($"Encoded {encodedData.Length} bytes.");
    catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to compress: " + e.Message);
Warning: szs has a portion implemented in C, which brings its own security considerations.


Algorithm Use Case Desc
EncodeAlgo::Nintendo Matching decomp projects This is the Mario Kart Wii compression algorithm reverse-engineered. In practice it's a Boyer-moore-horspool search with a second opinion mechanism.
EncodeAlgo::Mk8 General FAST preset. This is the Mario Kart 8 compression algorithm reverse-engineered. In practice it's a sliding Monte Carlo hash table. (Credit @aboood40091, @KillZGaming)
EncodeAlgo::MkwSp MKW-SP
EncodeAlgo::CTGP CTGP work CTGP (Reverse engineered. 1:1 matching)
EncodeAlgo::WorstCaseEncoding INSTANT preset. Worst case
EncodeAlgo::Haroohie Haroohie (credit @Gericom, adapted from MarioKartToolbox)
EncodeAlgo::CTLib MEDIUM preset. CTLib (credit @narahiero, adapted from CTLib)
EncodeAlgo::LibYaz0 ULTRA preset. libyaz0 (Based on wszst. credit @aboood40091)

Generally, the mk8 algorithm gets acceptable compression the fastest. For cases where filesize matters, lib-yaz0 ties wszst ultra for the smallest filesizes, while being ~25% faster.

Comparison to Other Libraries:

  1. yaz0-rs

    • Performance: EncodeAlgo::LibYaz0 offers superior compression and is approximately 6x faster on reference data compared to yaz0-rs.
    • Note: szs has a portion implemented in C, which brings its own security considerations.
  2. oead

    • Performance: EncodeAlgo::MK8 matches the compression and speed of oead.
    • Size: szs is a lightweight few-kilobyte MIT licensed dependency, while oead is a larger multi-megabyte GPL licensed package.
  3. Wiimm's SZS Tools

    • Performance:
      • EncodeAlgo::LibYaz0 provides equivalent compression to wszst ultra but is about 30% faster and not restricted by the GPL license.
      • EncodeAlgo::MK8 outperforms wszst fast in compression and is 4-5 times faster.

Special Feature: Among the libraries listed, only szs offers comprehensive support for the YAZ0, YAZ1, and YAY0 stream formats.


Small file comparison

Task: Compress N64 Bowser Castle (Source filesize: 2,574,368)

Method Time Taken Compression Rate
lib-yaz0 2.03s 56.65%
nintendo 5.93s 56.87%
mkw-sp 3.76s 57.23%
Haroohie 0.58s 57.23%
CTLib 0.32s 57.24%
MK8 0.09s 57.59%
ctgp 0.31s 71.41%
worst-case-encoding 0s 112.50%
Comparison with other libraries:
Haroohie (C#) 0.71s 57.23%
wszst (fast) 0.387s (via shell) 65.78%
wszst (standard) 1.776s (via shell) 57.23%
wszst (ultra) 2.727s (via shell) 56.65%
yaz0-rs 11.34s (via shell) 56.87%

* Average of 3 runs; x64 Clang (15, 16) build tested on an Intel i7-9750H on Windows 11

Large file comparison

NSMBU 8-43 (63.9 MB decompressed)

Method Time (Avg 3 runs) Compression Rate File Size
lib-yaz0 25.97s 29.32% 18.74 MB
mkw 78.26s 29.40% 18.79 MB
mkw-sp 49.28s 29.74% 19.01 MB
haroohie 11.44s 29.74% 19.01 MB
ct-lib 5.32s 29.74% 19.01 MB
mk8 1.46s 30.12% 19.25 MB
ctgp 12.05s 40.91% 26.14 MB
worst-case-encoding 0.07s 112.50% 71.90 MB

* Average of 3 runs; x64 Clang (15, 16) build tested on an Intel i7-9750H on Windows 11

Generally, the mk8 algorithm gets acceptable compression the fastest. For cases where filesize matters, lib-yaz0 ties wszst ultra for the smallest filesizes, while being ~25% faster.

Example (C Bindings)

#include "szs.h"

// Calculate the upper bound for encoding.
u32 max_size = riiszs_encoded_upper_bound(sizeof(data));

// Allocate a buffer based on the calculated upper bound.
void* encoded_buf = malloc(max_size);
if (!buf) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate %u bytes.\n", max_size);
	return -1;

// Boyer-Moore-horspool variant

u32 actual_len = 0;
const char* ec = riiszs_encode_algo_fast(encoded_buf, max_size, data, sizeof(data), &actual_len, algorithm);
if (ec != NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compress: %s\n", ec);
	return -1;
printf("Encoded %u bytes.\n", actual_len);
// Optionally: shrink the dst_data to the actual size.
encoded_buf = realloc(encoded_buf, actual_len);

C++ Wrapper on top of C Bindings

A CMake example is provided, too.

#include `szs.h`

// Boyer-Moore-horspool variant
szs::Algo algorithm = szs::Algo::Nintendo;
auto encoded = szs::encode(data, algorithm);
if (!encoded)
	std::println(stderr, "Failed to compress: {}.", encoded.error()); {
	return -1;
std::vector<u8> szs_data = *encoded;
std::println("Encoded {} bytes.", szs_data.size());


This library is published under the MIT license.