Crate szs

source ·




  • Decodes the source slice in-place as a SZS (YAZ0) compressed stream and returns the decoded data.
  • Decodes the source slice in-place as a SZS (YAZ0) compressed stream, writing the decoded data to the destination slice.
  • Decompresses the Yay0 (SZP) compressed src byte slice and returns the uncompressed data in a Vec<u8>.
  • Decompresses the Yay0 (SZP) compressed src byte slice into the dst byte slice.
  • Retrieves the decoded size of an SZS (YAZ0) or SZP (YAY0) compressed byte slice.
  • Converts an interlaced SZS (YAZ0) stream into a deinterlaced SZP (YAY0) stream and returns it.
  • Converts an interlaced SZS (YAZ0) stream into a deinterlaced SZP (YAY0) stream.
  • Calculates the upper bound of the length for a deinterlaced SZP (YAY0) stream given an interlaced SZS (YAZ0) stream.
  • Encodes the source slice using the specified encoding algorithm and returns the encoded data.
  • Performs in-place encoding of the source slice using the specified encoding algorithm.
  • Encodes and deinterlaces the source slice into YAY0 format using the given encoding algorithm and returns the result.
  • Encodes and deinterlaces the source slice into YAY0 format using the given encoding algorithm and writes the result into the destination slice.
  • Retrieves the maximum potential encoded size for a given uncompressed data length using SZS (YAZ0) compression.
  • Calculates the upper bound of the length for an encoded YAY0 stream given uncompressed data.
  • Checks if the given byte slice is SZS (YAZ0) compressed.