Module opencv::rgbd

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§RGB-Depth Processing








  • \brief Debug function to colormap a quantized image for viewing.
  • Converts a depth image to an organized set of 3d points. The coordinate system is x pointing left, y down and z away from the camera
  • Converts a depth image to an organized set of 3d points. The coordinate system is x pointing left, y down and z away from the camera
  • Parameters
  • \brief Debug function to draw linemod features
  • \brief Debug function to draw linemod features
  • \brief Factory function for detector using LINE algorithm with color gradients.
  • \brief Factory function for detector using LINE-MOD algorithm with color gradients and depth normals.
  • Checks if the value is a valid depth. For CV_16U or CV_16S, the convention is to be invalid if it is a limit. For a float/double, we just check if it is a NaN
  • Registers depth data to an external camera Registration is performed by creating a depth cloud, transforming the cloud by the rigid body transformation between the cameras, and then projecting the transformed points into the RGB camera.
  • Registers depth data to an external camera Registration is performed by creating a depth cloud, transforming the cloud by the rigid body transformation between the cameras, and then projecting the transformed points into the RGB camera.
  • If the input image is of type CV_16UC1 (like the Kinect one), the image is converted to floats, divided by depth_factor to get a depth in meters, and the values 0 are converted to std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() Otherwise, the image is simply converted to floats
  • If the input image is of type CV_16UC1 (like the Kinect one), the image is converted to floats, divided by depth_factor to get a depth in meters, and the values 0 are converted to std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() Otherwise, the image is simply converted to floats
  • Warp the image: compute 3d points from the depth, transform them using given transformation, then project color point cloud to an image plane. This function can be used to visualize results of the Odometry algorithm.
  • Warp the image: compute 3d points from the depth, transform them using given transformation, then project color point cloud to an image plane. This function can be used to visualize results of the Odometry algorithm.

Type Aliases§