celp-sdk 0.1.13

This package has been created to provide a rust SDK containing common functionality
syntax = "proto3";
package celp.protobuf.svc;
import "celp_cm_location.proto";
import "celp_header.proto";
option optimize_for = SPEED;

message EBPMSInfo {
    // Contains captured PGN data
    message PGNData {
        // Offset to start time of the snapshot
        uint64 offset = 1;

        // PGN data captured
        bytes data = 2;

    // Contains meta information and data on the PGN captured
    message PGN {
        // PGN address
        uint32 address = 1;
        // Raw EBPMS data
        repeated PGNData data = 3;

    // Base header from CELP
    celp.protobuf.Header header = 11;

    // Start location of the snapshot
    celp.protobuf.cm.Location start_location = 1;

    // Stop location of the snapshot
    celp.protobuf.cm.Location end_location = 3;

    // The start axle load of the snapshot
    uint32 start_axle_load = 5;

    // The start gross weight of the snapshot
    uint32 start_gross_weight = 7;

    // Data for the PGNs captured in the snapshot
    repeated PGN pgns = 9;