celp-sdk 0.1.13

This package has been created to provide a rust SDK containing common functionality
syntax = "proto3";
package celp.protobuf.cm;
import "celp_header.proto";
option optimize_for = SPEED;

// Input and output GPIO messages
message GPIOCluster {

    // A single GPIO
    message GPIO {
        // Pin Identifier
        string identifier = 1;

        // Possible states for Digital I/O
        enum DigitalState {
            // Pin is "logic" on
            ON = 0;

            // Pin is "logic" off
            OFF = 1;

            // State is undefined or unknown
            UNKNOWN = 2;

        // Value of the GPIO
        oneof value {
            DigitalState state = 2;
            float reading = 3;

    // Base header from CELP
    celp.protobuf.Header header = 2;

    // A collection of GPIOs
    repeated GPIO gpios = 3;