celp-sdk 0.1.13

This package has been created to provide a rust SDK containing common functionality
syntax = "proto3";
package celp.protobuf.cm;
option optimize_for = SPEED;

message CanFrame {
    enum CanFrameFlags {
        NONE = 0x0;
        // CAN FD frame
        FD = 0x1;
        // Base (11bit) CAN ID
        BASEID = 0x2;
        // Error frame
        ERRORFRAME = 0x4;

    // Timestamp of the frame
    uint64 timestamp = 1;
    // CAN ID
    uint32 id = 3;
    // bit-or combination of CanFrameFlags
    uint32 flags = 5;
    // RAW CAN data
    bytes data = 7;