

  • A thread-safe container that does not require default initialization. The cell may be initialized with set and then retrieved as a reference with get. Calling set is thread-safe. The cell will panic if the set function is called more than once. The cell will only drop initialized elements.
  • A fixed-size array with capacity determined at run-time. The elements of the array are uninitialized. Elements may be initialized with set and then retrieved as a reference with get. Calling set is thread-safe. The array will panic if the capacity is exceeded, or the index is out of range, or the set function is called more than once on an index when T is not zero-sized. The array will only drop initialized elements.
  • A fixed-size stack with capacity determined at run-time. The elements of the stack are uninitialized. Elements may be initialized with push and then retrieved as a reference with get. push returns the index of the element in the stack. The caller may reserve space for multiple elements with reserve_uninit. Reserved elements must be initialized with set. Calling push, reserve_uninit, or set is thread-safe. The stack will panic if the capacity is exceeded, or the index is out of range, or the set function is called more than once on an index when T is not zero-sized, or if the set function is called on an index that was not reserved by a prior call to reserve_uninit. The stack will only drop initialized elements.
  • A custom cell container that is a RefCell with thread-safety.

Type Aliases§

  • A mutual exclusion primitive useful for protecting shared data
  • An RAII implementation of a “scoped lock” of a mutex. When this structure is dropped (falls out of scope), the lock will be unlocked.
  • A reader-writer lock
  • RAII structure used to release the shared read access of a lock when dropped.
  • RAII structure used to release the exclusive write access of a lock when dropped.