Module nphysics3d::joint[][src]

Expand description

Joints using the reduced-coordinates formalism or using constraints.


A constraint that removes all relative linear motion between two body parts.

A joint that allows only all rotational degrees of freedom between two multibody links.

A constraint that removes all relative angular motion between two body parts.

A joint that allows only all the translational degrees of freedom between two multibody links.

A constraint that removes all degrees of freedom (of one body part relative to a second one) except one translation along an axis and one rotation along the same axis.

A joint that allows one translational and one rotational degrees of freedom along a single axis.

A set containing all the joint-constraints added to the world.

A constraint that removes all degrees of freedom between two body parts.

A joint that does not allow any relative degrees of freedom.

A joint that allows all the relative degrees of freedom between two multibody links.

A joint that allows one degree of freedom between two multibody links.

Description of a motor applied to a joint.

A spring-like constraint to be used to drag a body part with the mouse.

A constraint that removes two translational and two rotational degrees of freedoms.

A joint that allows one translational and one rotational degrees of freedom.

A constraint that removes one relative translational degree of freedom, and all but one rotational degrees of freedom.

A joint that allows 1 rotational and 2 translational degrees of freedom.

A constraint that remove all be one translational degrees of freedom.

A unit joint that allows only one translational degree on freedom.

A constraint that remove all relative rotations and one relative translation between two body parts.

A joint that allows two translational degrees of freedom.

A constraint that removes all relative motions except one rotation between two body parts.

A unit joint that allows only one relative rotational degree of freedom between two multibody links.

A constraint that removes all but two relative rotations along distinct axii.

A joint that allows only two relative rotations between two multibody links.


Trait implemented by all joints following the reduced-coordinate formation.

Trait implemented by joint that operate by generating constraints to restrict the relative motion of two body parts.

Trait implemented by sets of constraint-based joints.

Trait implemented by joints using the reduced-coordinates approach and allowing only one degree of freedom.


Computes the maximum number of velocity constraints to be applied by the given unit joint.

Initializes and generate the position constraints applicable to the multibody links attached to this joint.

Initializes and generate the velocity constraints applicable to the multibody links attached to this joint.

Type Definitions

The handle of a joint on a DefaultJointConstraintsSet.