[][src]Struct gdnative::RichTextLabel

pub struct RichTextLabel { /* fields omitted */ }

core class RichTextLabel inherits Control (unsafe).

Official documentation

See the documentation of this class in the Godot engine's official documentation.

Memory management

Non reference counted objects such as the ones of this type are usually owned by the engine.

RichTextLabel is an unsafe pointer, and all of its methods are unsafe.

In the cases where Rust code owns an object of this type, for example if the object was just created on the Rust side and not passed to the engine yet, ownership should be either given to the engine or the object must be manually destroyed using RichTextLabel::free.

Class hierarchy

RichTextLabel inherits methods from:


impl RichTextLabel[src]


impl RichTextLabel[src]

pub fn new() -> RichTextLabel[src]


Because this type is not reference counted, the lifetime of the returned object is not automatically managed. Immediately after creation, the object is owned by the caller, and can be passed to the engine (in which case the engine will be responsible for destroying the object) or destroyed manually using RichTextLabel::free.

pub unsafe fn free(self)[src]

Manually deallocate the object.

pub unsafe fn _gui_input(&mut self, arg0: Option<InputEvent>)[src]

pub unsafe fn _scroll_changed(&mut self, arg0: f64)[src]

pub unsafe fn add_image(
    &mut self,
    image: Option<Texture>,
    width: i64,
    height: i64

pub unsafe fn add_text(&mut self, text: GodotString)[src]

pub unsafe fn append_bbcode(
    &mut self,
    bbcode: GodotString
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

pub unsafe fn clear(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn get_bbcode(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub unsafe fn get_content_height(&mut self) -> i64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_effects(&mut self) -> VariantArray[src]

pub unsafe fn get_line_count(&self) -> i64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_percent_visible(&self) -> f64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_tab_size(&self) -> i64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_text(&mut self) -> GodotString[src]

pub unsafe fn get_total_character_count(&self) -> i64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_v_scroll(&mut self) -> Option<VScrollBar>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_visible_characters(&self) -> i64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_visible_line_count(&self) -> i64[src]

pub unsafe fn install_effect(&mut self, effect: Variant)[src]

pub unsafe fn is_meta_underlined(&self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn is_overriding_selected_font_color(&self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn is_scroll_active(&self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn is_scroll_following(&self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn is_selection_enabled(&self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn is_using_bbcode(&self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn newline(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn parse_bbcode(
    &mut self,
    bbcode: GodotString
) -> Result<(), GodotError>

pub unsafe fn parse_expressions_for_values(
    &mut self,
    expressions: StringArray
) -> Dictionary

pub unsafe fn pop(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_align(&mut self, align: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_bold(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_bold_italics(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_cell(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_color(&mut self, color: Color)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_font(&mut self, font: Option<Font>)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_indent(&mut self, level: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_italics(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_list(&mut self, _type: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_meta(&mut self, data: Variant)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_mono(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_normal(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_strikethrough(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_table(&mut self, columns: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn push_underline(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn remove_line(&mut self, line: i64) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn scroll_to_line(&mut self, line: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_bbcode(&mut self, text: GodotString)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_effects(&mut self, effects: VariantArray)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_meta_underline(&mut self, enable: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_override_selected_font_color(&mut self, _override: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_percent_visible(&mut self, percent_visible: f64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_scroll_active(&mut self, active: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_scroll_follow(&mut self, follow: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_selection_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_tab_size(&mut self, spaces: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_table_column_expand(
    &mut self,
    column: i64,
    expand: bool,
    ratio: i64

pub unsafe fn set_text(&mut self, text: GodotString)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_use_bbcode(&mut self, enable: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_visible_characters(&mut self, amount: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn to_control(&self) -> Control[src]


pub unsafe fn to_canvas_item(&self) -> CanvasItem[src]


pub unsafe fn to_node(&self) -> Node[src]


pub unsafe fn to_object(&self) -> Object[src]


pub unsafe fn cast<T>(&self) -> Option<T> where
    T: GodotObject

Generic dynamic cast.

Methods from Deref<Target = Control>

pub const CURSOR_VSPLIT: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_CAN_DROP: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_RIGHT_WIDE: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_HELP: i64[src]

pub const MOUSE_FILTER_PASS: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_VCENTER_WIDE: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_BUSY: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_ARROW: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_BOTTOM_RIGHT: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_CENTER_BOTTOM: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_FDIAGSIZE: i64[src]

pub const FOCUS_CLICK: i64[src]

pub const NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_ENTER: i64[src]

pub const SIZE_EXPAND_FILL: i64[src]

pub const NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_ENTER: i64[src]

pub const NOTIFICATION_RESIZED: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_WAIT: i64[src]


pub const PRESET_BOTTOM_WIDE: i64[src]

pub const ANCHOR_END: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_CENTER_TOP: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_MODE_KEEP_SIZE: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_MODE_KEEP_WIDTH: i64[src]

pub const SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_HCENTER_WIDE: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_CENTER_RIGHT: i64[src]

pub const FOCUS_ALL: i64[src]

pub const NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_EXIT: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_TOP_RIGHT: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_MODE_KEEP_HEIGHT: i64[src]

pub const SIZE_FILL: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_HSPLIT: i64[src]

pub const FOCUS_NONE: i64[src]

pub const GROW_DIRECTION_BOTH: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_CENTER_LEFT: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_HSIZE: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_MODE_MINSIZE: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_TOP_LEFT: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_POINTING_HAND: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_VSIZE: i64[src]

pub const MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE: i64[src]

pub const NOTIFICATION_SCROLL_END: i64[src]

pub const NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_EXIT: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_DRAG: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_WIDE: i64[src]

pub const ANCHOR_BEGIN: i64[src]

pub const GROW_DIRECTION_BEGIN: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_IBEAM: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_LEFT_WIDE: i64[src]

pub const NOTIFICATION_MODAL_CLOSE: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_BOTTOM_LEFT: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_MOVE: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_TOP_WIDE: i64[src]

pub const MOUSE_FILTER_STOP: i64[src]

pub const SIZE_SHRINK_END: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_FORBIDDEN: i64[src]

pub const CURSOR_CROSS: i64[src]

pub const GROW_DIRECTION_END: i64[src]


pub const SIZE_EXPAND: i64[src]

pub const PRESET_CENTER: i64[src]

pub unsafe fn _clips_input(&mut self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn _get_minimum_size(&mut self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn _get_tooltip(&self) -> GodotString[src]

pub unsafe fn _gui_input(&mut self, event: Option<InputEvent>)[src]

pub unsafe fn _make_custom_tooltip(
    &mut self,
    for_text: GodotString
) -> Option<Object>

pub unsafe fn _override_changed(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn _set_anchor(&mut self, margin: i64, anchor: f64)[src]

pub unsafe fn _set_global_position(
    &mut self,
    position: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub unsafe fn _set_position(&mut self, margin: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>)[src]

pub unsafe fn _set_size(&mut self, size: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>)[src]

pub unsafe fn _size_changed(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn _theme_changed(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn _update_minimum_size(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn accept_event(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn add_color_override(&mut self, name: GodotString, color: Color)[src]

pub unsafe fn add_constant_override(&mut self, name: GodotString, constant: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn add_font_override(
    &mut self,
    name: GodotString,
    font: Option<Font>

pub unsafe fn add_icon_override(
    &mut self,
    name: GodotString,
    texture: Option<Texture>

pub unsafe fn add_shader_override(
    &mut self,
    name: GodotString,
    shader: Option<Shader>

pub unsafe fn add_stylebox_override(
    &mut self,
    name: GodotString,
    stylebox: Option<StyleBox>

pub unsafe fn can_drop_data(
    &mut self,
    position: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>,
    data: Variant
) -> bool

pub unsafe fn drop_data(
    &mut self,
    position: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>,
    data: Variant

pub unsafe fn force_drag(&mut self, data: Variant, preview: Option<Control>)[src]

pub unsafe fn get_anchor(&self, margin: i64) -> f64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_begin(&self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_color(&self, name: GodotString, _type: GodotString) -> Color[src]

pub unsafe fn get_combined_minimum_size(&self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_constant(&self, name: GodotString, _type: GodotString) -> i64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_cursor_shape(
    position: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>
) -> ControlCursorShape

pub unsafe fn get_custom_minimum_size(&self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_default_cursor_shape(&self) -> ControlCursorShape[src]

pub unsafe fn get_drag_data(
    &mut self,
    position: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>
) -> Variant

pub unsafe fn get_end(&self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_focus_mode(&self) -> ControlFocusMode[src]

pub unsafe fn get_focus_neighbour(&self, margin: i64) -> NodePath[src]

pub unsafe fn get_focus_next(&self) -> NodePath[src]

pub unsafe fn get_focus_owner(&self) -> Option<Control>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_focus_previous(&self) -> NodePath[src]

pub unsafe fn get_font(
    name: GodotString,
    _type: GodotString
) -> Option<Font>

pub unsafe fn get_global_position(&self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_global_rect(&self) -> Rect<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_h_grow_direction(&self) -> ControlGrowDirection[src]

pub unsafe fn get_h_size_flags(&self) -> i64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_icon(
    name: GodotString,
    _type: GodotString
) -> Option<Texture>

pub unsafe fn get_margin(&self, margin: i64) -> f64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_minimum_size(&self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_mouse_filter(&self) -> ControlMouseFilter[src]

pub unsafe fn get_parent_area_size(&self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_parent_control(&self) -> Option<Control>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_pivot_offset(&self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_position(&self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_rect(&self) -> Rect<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_rotation(&self) -> f64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_rotation_degrees(&self) -> f64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_scale(&self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_size(&self) -> Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_stretch_ratio(&self) -> f64[src]

pub unsafe fn get_stylebox(
    name: GodotString,
    _type: GodotString
) -> Option<StyleBox>

pub unsafe fn get_theme(&self) -> Option<Theme>[src]

pub unsafe fn get_tooltip(
    at_position: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>
) -> GodotString

pub unsafe fn get_v_grow_direction(&self) -> ControlGrowDirection[src]

pub unsafe fn get_v_size_flags(&self) -> i64[src]

pub unsafe fn grab_click_focus(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn grab_focus(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn has_color(&self, name: GodotString, _type: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_color_override(&self, name: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_constant(&self, name: GodotString, _type: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_constant_override(&self, name: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_focus(&self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_font(&self, name: GodotString, _type: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_font_override(&self, name: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_icon(&self, name: GodotString, _type: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_icon_override(&self, name: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_point(&mut self, point: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_shader_override(&self, name: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_stylebox(&self, name: GodotString, _type: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn has_stylebox_override(&self, name: GodotString) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn is_clipping_contents(&mut self) -> bool[src]

pub unsafe fn minimum_size_changed(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn release_focus(&mut self)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_anchor(
    &mut self,
    margin: i64,
    anchor: f64,
    keep_margin: bool,
    push_opposite_anchor: bool

pub unsafe fn set_anchor_and_margin(
    &mut self,
    margin: i64,
    anchor: f64,
    offset: f64,
    push_opposite_anchor: bool

pub unsafe fn set_anchors_and_margins_preset(
    &mut self,
    preset: i64,
    resize_mode: i64,
    margin: i64

pub unsafe fn set_anchors_preset(&mut self, preset: i64, keep_margins: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_begin(&mut self, position: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_clip_contents(&mut self, enable: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_custom_minimum_size(
    &mut self,
    size: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub unsafe fn set_default_cursor_shape(&mut self, shape: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_drag_forwarding(&mut self, target: Option<Control>)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_drag_preview(&mut self, control: Option<Control>)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_end(&mut self, position: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_focus_mode(&mut self, mode: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_focus_neighbour(&mut self, margin: i64, neighbour: NodePath)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_focus_next(&mut self, next: NodePath)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_focus_previous(&mut self, previous: NodePath)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_global_position(
    &mut self,
    position: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>,
    keep_margins: bool

pub unsafe fn set_h_grow_direction(&mut self, direction: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_h_size_flags(&mut self, flags: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_margin(&mut self, margin: i64, offset: f64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_margins_preset(
    &mut self,
    preset: i64,
    resize_mode: i64,
    margin: i64

pub unsafe fn set_mouse_filter(&mut self, filter: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_pivot_offset(
    &mut self,
    pivot_offset: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>

pub unsafe fn set_position(
    &mut self,
    position: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>,
    keep_margins: bool

pub unsafe fn set_rotation(&mut self, radians: f64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_rotation_degrees(&mut self, degrees: f64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_scale(&mut self, scale: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_size(
    &mut self,
    size: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>,
    keep_margins: bool

pub unsafe fn set_stretch_ratio(&mut self, ratio: f64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_theme(&mut self, theme: Option<Theme>)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_tooltip(&mut self, tooltip: GodotString)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_v_grow_direction(&mut self, direction: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn set_v_size_flags(&mut self, flags: i64)[src]

pub unsafe fn show_modal(&mut self, exclusive: bool)[src]

pub unsafe fn warp_mouse(&mut self, to_position: Vector2D<f32, UnknownUnit>)[src]

pub unsafe fn to_canvas_item(&self) -> CanvasItem[src]


pub unsafe fn to_node(&self) -> Node[src]


pub unsafe fn to_object(&self) -> Object[src]


pub unsafe fn cast<T>(&self) -> Option<T> where
    T: GodotObject

Generic dynamic cast.

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for RichTextLabel[src]

impl Copy for RichTextLabel[src]

impl Debug for RichTextLabel[src]

impl Deref for RichTextLabel[src]

type Target = Control

The resulting type after dereferencing.

impl DerefMut for RichTextLabel[src]

impl Free for RichTextLabel[src]

impl FromVariant for RichTextLabel[src]

impl GodotObject for RichTextLabel[src]

impl Instanciable for RichTextLabel[src]

impl QueueFree for RichTextLabel[src]

impl ToVariant for RichTextLabel[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Export for T where
    T: GodotObject + ToVariant

type Hint = ()

A type-specific hint type that is valid for the type being exported.

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.