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Request/response types for the VTube Studio API.

  • For a list of all request types, see the implementors for Request.
  • For the corresponding response types, see Response.
  • For event types specifically, see Event and EventConfig.


Error returned by the VTube Studio API.
Get the current state of the API.
The API state.
Requesting list of art meshes in current model.
List of art meshes.
Asking user to select ArtMeshes.
ArtMesh selection response.
Authenticate with the API using a token.
Whether the authentication request was successful.
Request an authentication token.
Authentication token response.
Getting a list of available VTS models
List of available models.
An event that is triggered every time the background is changed by the user (manually or via hotkey).
Tint art meshes with color
Number of matched art meshes.
Getting the currently loaded model.
Information about the current model.
Wrapper type for an enum with a serialized string representation.
Error ID returned in ApiError responses.
Subscribe or unsubscribe from events.
Information about subscriptions.
Requesting activation or deactivation of expressions.
Empty response on successful expression activation/deactivation.
Requesting current expression state list.
Data about the requested expressions.
Checking if face is currently found by tracker.
Whether the face was found.
Get the physics settings of the current model.
Data about the requested physics settings.
Requesting execution of hotkeys.
The hotkey that was triggered.
Requesting list of hotkeys available in current or other VTS model.
Model info and list of hotkeys.
Feeding in data for default or custom parameters.
Empty response on parameter injection success.
Requesting list of available tracking parameters.
List of available parameters.
Controling items and item animations.
Item animation updated successfully.
Requesting list of available items or items in scene.
Loading item into the scene.
Item loaded successfully.
Moving items in the scene.
Item movement requested successfully.
Removing item from the scene.
Items unloaded successfully.
Get the value for all Live2D parameters in the current model.
Info about the current model and list of parameters.
An event that is triggered every time the user manually changes the the settings/config of the currently loaded VTube Studio model.
Loading a VTS model by its ID.
Information about the loaded model ID.
An event that is triggered every time a VTube Studio model is loaded or unloaded.
An event that is triggered every time a model is moved, resized or rotated.
An event that is triggered at a constant 15 FPS and sends subscribed plugins the model outline.
Moving the currently loaded VTS model.
Empty response on model move success.
Get and set NDI settings.
Data about the requested expressions.
Arbitrary JSON data used in RequestEnvelope and ResponseEnvelope.
Adding new tracking parameters (“custom parameters”).
Name of the created parameter.
Delete custom parameters.
Name of the deleted parameter.
Get the value for one specific parameter, default or custom.
The requested parameter.
A VTube Studio API request.
Response data wrapper for ResponseEnvelope (typically for non-error responses).
A VTube Studio API response.
Getting scene lighting overlay color.
Info about the color overlay.
Overriding physics settings of currently loaded VTS model.
Empty response on successful physics override.
Getting current VTS statistics.
Statistics about the VTube Studio session.
An event for testing the event API.
An event that is triggered every time the face tracker finds/loses the face or hands.
API server discovery message (sent over UDP).
Struct representing a coordinate or dimensions. Used in ModelOutlineEvent.
Getting list of VTS folders.
Names of various folders in the StreamingAssets directory.


Event types. Events can be requested via EventSubscriptionRequest.
Known message types for EnumString<FadeMode>. Used in ItemToMove.
Known hotkey types for EnumString<HotkeyAction>. Used in Hotkey.
Known message types for EnumString<ItemType>. Used in ItemInstanceInScene.
Known message types for EnumString<RequestType>.
Known message types for EnumString<ResponseType>.


The default api_name value in requests and responses.
The default api_version value in requests and responses.


Trait describing a VTube Studio event’s config.
Trait describing VTube Studio event data.
Trait describing a VTube Studio request. Used to set data in RequestEnvelope.
Trait describing a VTube Studio response. Typically parsed from ResponseEnvelope.