ux-dx 0.2.1

3D Graphics Primitives for Angular Rust

use super::{Bitmap, Context, PixelFormat, Texture, TextureLoader};
use std::fmt;

// @short_description: Functions for creating and manipulating rectangle
//                     textures for use with non-normalized coordinates.
// These functions allow low-level "rectangle" textures to be allocated.
// These textures are never constrained to power-of-two sizes but they
// also don't support having a mipmap and can only be wrapped with
// The most notable difference between rectangle textures and 2D
// textures is that rectangle textures are sampled using un-normalized
// texture coordinates, so instead of using coordinates (0,0) and
// (1,1) to map to the top-left and bottom right corners of the
// texture you would instead use (0,0) and (width,height).
// The use of non-normalized coordinates can be particularly
// convenient when writing glsl shaders that use a texture as a lookup
// table since you don't need to upload separate uniforms to map
// normalized coordinates to texels.
// If you want to sample from a rectangle texture from GLSL you should
// use the sampler2DRect sampler type.
// Applications wanting to use #TextureRectangle should first check
// for the %FEATURE_ID_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE feature using
// has_feature().
// @extends Object, @implements Texture;
pub struct TextureRectangle {
    // Texture _parent;

    // The internal format of the texture represented as a
    //     PixelFormat */
    // PixelFormat internal_format;

    // TODO: factor out these OpenGL specific members into some form
    // of driver private state. */

    // The internal format of the GL texture represented as a GL enum */
    // GLenum gl_format;
    // The texture object number */
    // GLuint gl_texture;
    // GLenum gl_legacy_texobj_min_filter;
    // GLenum gl_legacy_texobj_mag_filter;
    // GLint gl_legacy_texobj_wrap_mode_s;
    // GLint gl_legacy_texobj_wrap_mode_t;
    // Bool is_foreign;

impl TextureRectangle {
    // texture_rectangle_new_from_bitmap:
    // @bitmap: A #Bitmap
    // Allocates a new #TextureRectangle texture which will be
    // initialized with the pixel data from @bitmap. This texture is a
    // low-level texture that the GPU can sample from directly unlike
    // high-level textures such as #Texture2DSliced and
    // #AtlasTexture.
    // Unlike for #Texture2D textures, coordinates for
    // #TextureRectangle textures should not be normalized. So instead
    // of using the coordinate (1, 1) to sample the bottom right corner of
    // a rectangle texture you would use (@width, @height) where @width
    // and @height are the width and height of the texture.
    // If you want to sample from a rectangle texture from GLSL you
    // should use the sampler2DRect sampler type.
    // Applications wanting to use #TextureRectangle should
    // first check for the %FEATURE_ID_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE feature
    // using has_feature().
    // The storage for the texture is not allocated before this function
    // returns. You can call texture_allocate() to explicitly
    // allocate the underlying storage or preferably let
    // automatically allocate storage lazily when it may know more about
    // how the texture is going to be used and can optimize how it is
    // allocated.
    // Return value: (transfer full): A pointer to a new
    //               #TextureRectangle texture.
    // Since: 2.0
    // Stability: unstable
    pub fn from_bitmap(bitmap: &Bitmap) -> TextureRectangle {
        // _RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (is_bitmap (bmp), NULL);

        // TODO: fix bitmap
        let loader = TextureLoader::Bitmap {
            bitmap: bitmap.clone(),
            can_convert_in_place: false, // TODO add api for this
            height: 0,
            depth: 0,


    // texture_rectangle_new_from_foreign:
    // @ctx: A #Context
    // @gl_handle: A GL handle for a GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE texture object
    // @width: Width of the foreign GL texture
    // @height: Height of the foreign GL texture
    // @format: The format of the texture
    // Wraps an existing GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE texture object as a
    // #TextureRectangle.  This can be used for integrating  with
    // software using OpenGL directly.
    // Unlike for #Texture2D textures, coordinates for
    // #TextureRectangle textures should not be normalized. So instead
    // of using the coordinate (1, 1) to sample the bottom right corner of
    // a rectangle texture you would use (@width, @height) where @width
    // and @height are the width and height of the texture.
    // The results are undefined for passing an invalid @gl_handle
    // or if @width or @height don't have the correct texture
    // geometry.
    // If you want to sample from a rectangle texture from GLSL you
    // should use the sampler2DRect sampler type.
    // Applications wanting to use #TextureRectangle should
    // first check for the %FEATURE_ID_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE feature
    // using has_feature().
    // The texture is still configurable until it has been allocated so
    // for example you can declare whether the texture is premultiplied
    // with texture_set_premultiplied().
    // Return value: (transfer full): A new #TextureRectangle texture
    pub fn from_foreign(
        context: &Context,
        gl_handle: u32,
        width: u32,
        height: u32,
        format: PixelFormat,
    ) -> TextureRectangle {
        // NOTE: width, height and internal format are not queriable in
        // GLES, hence such a fn prototype. Also in the case of full
        // opengl the user may be creating a  texture for a
        // texture_from_pixmap object where glTexImage2D may not have been
        // called and the texture_from_pixmap spec doesn't clarify that it
        // is reliable to query back the size from OpenGL.

        // Assert that it is a valid GL texture object

        // _RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (ctx->glIsTexture (gl_handle), NULL);

        // Validate width and height

        // _RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (width > 0 && height > 0, NULL);

        let loader = TextureLoader::GlForeign {

        Self::create_base(context, width, height, format, &loader)

    // texture_rectangle_new_with_size:
    // @ctx: A #Context pointer
    // @width: The texture width to allocate
    // @height: The texture height to allocate
    // Creates a new #TextureRectangle texture with a given @width,
    // and @height. This texture is a low-level texture that the GPU can
    // sample from directly unlike high-level textures such as
    // #Texture2DSliced and #AtlasTexture.
    // Unlike for #Texture2D textures, coordinates for
    // #TextureRectangle textures should not be normalized. So instead
    // of using the coordinate (1, 1) to sample the bottom right corner of
    // a rectangle texture you would use (@width, @height) where @width
    // and @height are the width and height of the texture.
    // If you want to sample from a rectangle texture from GLSL you
    // should use the sampler2DRect sampler type.
    // Applications wanting to use #TextureRectangle should
    // first check for the %FEATURE_ID_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE feature
    // using has_feature().
    // The storage for the texture is not allocated before this function
    // returns. You can call texture_allocate() to explicitly
    // allocate the underlying storage or preferably let
    // automatically allocate storage lazily when it may know more about
    // how the texture is going to be used and can optimize how it is
    // allocated.
    // Returns value: (transfer full): A pointer to a new #TextureRectangle
    //          object with no storage allocated yet.
    // Since: 1.10
    // Stability: unstable
    pub fn with_size(context: &Context, width: u32, height: u32) -> TextureRectangle {
        let loader = TextureLoader::Sized {
            depth: 0,

        Self::create_base(context, width, height, PixelFormat::Rgba8888Pre, &loader)

    fn create_base(
        context: &Context,
        width: u32,
        height: u32,
        internal_format: PixelFormat,
        loader: &TextureLoader,
    ) -> Self {

impl fmt::Display for TextureRectangle {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "TextureRectangle")