ux-dx 0.2.1

3D Graphics Primitives for Angular Rust
use super::{PixelFormat, RectangleMap, Texture};

pub enum AtlasFlags {
    ClearTexture = (1 << 0),
    DisableMigration = (1 << 1),

pub struct AtlasRepositionData {
    //   // The current user data for this texture */
    //   void *user_data;
    //   // The old and new positions of the texture */
    //   RectangleMapEntry old_position;
    //   RectangleMapEntry new_position;

pub struct GetRectanglesData {
    //   AtlasRepositionData *textures;
    //   // Number of textures found so far */
    //   unsigned int n_textures;

pub struct Atlas {
    map: Option<RectangleMap>,
    texture: Option<Texture>,
    texture_format: PixelFormat,
    flags: AtlasFlags,
    //   AtlasUpdatePositionCallback update_position_cb;

    //   GHookList pre_reorganize_callbacks;
    //   GHookList post_reorganize_callbacks;

impl Atlas {
    fn new(
        texture_format: PixelFormat,
        flags: AtlasFlags, /* AtlasUpdatePositionCallback update_position_cb */
    ) -> Self {
        // atlas->update_position_cb = update_position_cb;
        // g_hook_list_init (&atlas->pre_reorganize_callbacks, sizeof (GHook));
        // g_hook_list_init (&atlas->post_reorganize_callbacks, sizeof (GHook));

        Self {
            map: None,
            texture: None,