schnorrkel 0.1.1

Schnorr VRF, signatures, etc. using the Ristretto group
// -*- mode: rust; -*-
// This file is part of schnorrkel.
// Copyright (c) 2019 Web 3 Foundation
// See LICENSE for licensing information.
// Authors:
// - Jeffrey Burdges <>

//! Schnorr signature contexts and configuration, adaptable
//! to most Schnorr signature schemes.

use std::cell::RefCell;

use rand::prelude::*;  // {RngCore,thread_rng};

use merlin::{Transcript};

use curve25519_dalek::digest::{Input,FixedOutput,ExtendableOutput,XofReader};
use curve25519_dalek::digest::generic_array::typenum::{U32,U64};

use curve25519_dalek::ristretto::{CompressedRistretto}; // RistrettoPoint
use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar;

// === Signing context as transcript === //

/// Schnorr signing transcript
/// We envision signatures being on messages, but if a signature occurs
/// inside a larger protocol then the signature scheme's internal
/// transcript may exist before or persist after signing.
/// In this trait, we provide an interface for Schnorr signature-like
/// constructions that is compatable with `merlin::Transcript`, but
/// abstract enough to support normal hash functions as well.
/// We also abstract over owned and borrowed `merlin::Transcript`s,
/// so that simple use cases do not suffer from our support for.
pub trait SigningTranscript {
    /// Extend transcript with some bytes, shadowed by `merlin::Transcript`.
    fn commit_bytes(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], bytes: &[u8]);

    /// Extend transcript with a protocol name
    fn proto_name(&mut self, label: &'static [u8]) {
        self.commit_bytes(b"proto-name", label);

    /// Extend the transcript with a compressed Ristretto point
    fn commit_point(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], compressed: &CompressedRistretto) {
        self.commit_bytes(label, compressed.as_bytes());

    fn commit_sorted_points<P,S>(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], set: &mut [P])
    where P: Borrow<CompressedRistretto>,
          // S: BorrowMut<[P]>,
        // let set = set.borrow_mut();
            |a,b| a.borrow().as_bytes()
        for p in set.iter() {

    /// Produce some challenge bytes, shadowed by `merlin::Transcript`.
    fn challenge_bytes(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], dest: &mut [u8]);

    /// Produce the public challenge scalar `e`.
    fn challenge_scalar(&mut self, label: &'static [u8]) -> Scalar {
        let mut buf = [0; 64];
        self.challenge_bytes(label, &mut buf);

    /// Produce a secret witness scalar `k`, aka nonce, from the protocol
    /// transcript and any "nonce seeds" kept with the secret keys.
    fn witness_scalar(&self, nonce_seeds: &[&[u8]]) -> Scalar {
        let mut scalar_bytes = [0u8; 64];
        self.witness_bytes(&mut scalar_bytes, nonce_seeds);

    /// Produce secret witness bytes from the protocol transcript
    /// and any "nonce seeds" kept with the secret keys.
    fn witness_bytes(&self, dest: &mut [u8], nonce_seeds: &[&[u8]]) {
    	self.witness_bytes_rng(dest, nonce_seeds, thread_rng())

    /// Produce secret witness bytes from the protocol transcript
    /// and any "nonce seeds" kept with the secret keys.
    fn witness_bytes_rng<R>(&self, dest: &mut [u8], nonce_seeds: &[&[u8]], rng: R)
    where R: Rng+CryptoRng;

/// We delegates any mutable reference to its base type, like `&mut Rng`
/// or similar to `BorrowMut<..>` do, but doing so here simplifies
/// alternative implementations.
impl<T> SigningTranscript for &mut T
where T: SigningTranscript + ?Sized
    fn commit_bytes(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], bytes: &[u8])
        {  (**self).commit_bytes(label,bytes)  }
    fn proto_name(&mut self, label: &'static [u8])
        {  (**self).proto_name(label)  }
    fn commit_point(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], compressed: &CompressedRistretto)
        {  (**self).commit_point(label, compressed)  }
    fn challenge_bytes(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], dest: &mut [u8])
        {  (**self).challenge_bytes(label,dest)  }
    fn challenge_scalar(&mut self, label: &'static [u8]) -> Scalar
        {  (**self).challenge_scalar(label)  }
    fn witness_scalar(&self, nonce_seeds: &[&[u8]]) -> Scalar
        {  (**self).witness_scalar(nonce_seeds)  }
    fn witness_bytes(&self, dest: &mut [u8], nonce_seeds: &[&[u8]])
        {  (**self).witness_bytes(dest,nonce_seeds)  }
    fn witness_bytes_rng<R>(&self, dest: &mut [u8], nonce_seeds: &[&[u8]], rng: R)
    where R: Rng+CryptoRng
        {  (**self).witness_bytes_rng(dest,nonce_seeds,rng)  }

/// We delegate `SigningTranscript` methods to the corresponding
/// inherent methods of `merlin::Transcript` and implement two
/// witness methods to avoid abrtasting the `merlin::TranscriptRng`
/// machenry.
impl SigningTranscript for Transcript {
    fn commit_bytes(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], bytes: &[u8]) {
        Transcript::commit_bytes(self, label, bytes)

    fn challenge_bytes(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], dest: &mut [u8]) {
        Transcript::challenge_bytes(self, label, dest)

    fn witness_bytes_rng<R>(&self, dest: &mut [u8], nonce_seeds: &[&[u8]], mut rng: R)
    where R: Rng+CryptoRng
        let mut br = self.build_rng();
        for ns in nonce_seeds {
            br = br.commit_witness_bytes(b"", ns);
        let mut r = br.finalize(&mut rng);

/// Schnorr signing context
/// We expect users to seperate `SigningContext`s for each role that
/// signature play in their protocol.  These `SigningContext`s may be
/// global `lazy_static!`s.
/// To sign a message, apply the appropriate inherent method to create
/// a signature transcript.
/// You should use `merlin::Transcript`s directly if you must do
/// anything more complex, like use signatures in larger zero-knoweldge
/// protocols or sign several components but only reveal one later.
#[derive(Clone)] // Debug
pub struct SigningContext(Transcript);

/// Initialize a signing context from a static byte string that
/// identifies the signature's role in the larger protocol.
pub fn signing_context(context : &'static [u8]) -> SigningContext {

impl SigningContext {
    /// Initialize a signing context from a static byte string that
    /// identifies the signature's role in the larger protocol.
    pub fn new(context : &'static [u8]) -> SigningContext {

    /// Initalize an owned signing transcript on a message provided as a byte array
    pub fn bytes(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Transcript {
        let mut t = self.0.clone();
        t.commit_bytes(b"sign-bytes", bytes);

    /// Initalize an owned signing transcript on a message provided as a hash function with extensible output
    pub fn xof<D: ExtendableOutput>(&self, h: D) -> Transcript {
        let mut prehash = [0u8; 32];
        h.xof_result().read(&mut prehash);
        let mut t = self.0.clone();
        t.commit_bytes(b"sign-XoF", &prehash);

    /// Initalize an owned signing transcript on a message provided as
    /// a hash function with 256 bit output.
    pub fn hash256<D: FixedOutput<OutputSize=U32>>(&self, h: D) -> Transcript {
        let mut prehash = [0u8; 32];
        let mut t = self.0.clone();
        t.commit_bytes(b"sign-256", &prehash);

    /// Initalize an owned signing transcript on a message provided as
    /// a hash function with 512 bit output, usually a gross over kill.
    pub fn hash512<D: FixedOutput<OutputSize=U64>>(&self, h: D) -> Transcript {
        let mut prehash = [0u8; 64];
        let mut t = self.0.clone();
        t.commit_bytes(b"sign-256", &prehash);

/// Very simple transcript construction from an arbitrary hash fucntion.
/// We provide this transcript type for expository purposes, but
/// recommend using `merlin::Transcripts` instead, and do not provide
/// convenience tools like `signing_context`.
pub struct SimpleTranscript<H>(pub H)
where H: Input + ExtendableOutput + Clone;

fn input_bytes<H: Input>(h: &mut H, bytes: &[u8]) {
    let l = bytes.len() as u64;

impl<H> SigningTranscript for SimpleTranscript<H>
where H: Input + ExtendableOutput + Clone
    fn commit_bytes(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], bytes: &[u8]) {
        input_bytes(&mut self.0, label);
        input_bytes(&mut self.0, bytes);

    fn challenge_bytes(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], dest: &mut [u8]) {
        input_bytes(&mut self.0, label);
        let l = dest.len() as u64;

    fn witness_bytes_rng<R>(&self, dest: &mut [u8], nonce_seeds: &[&[u8]], mut rng: R)
    where R: Rng+CryptoRng
        let mut h = self.0.clone().chain(b"wb");
        for ns in nonce_seeds {
            input_bytes(&mut h, ns);
        let l = dest.len() as u64;

        let mut r = [0u8; 32];
        rng.fill_bytes(&mut r);

impl<H> SimpleTranscript<H>
where H: Input + ExtendableOutput + Clone
    fn new(context: &'static [u8]) -> SimpleTranscript<H> {

/// Schnorr signing transcript with the default `ThreadRng` replaced
/// by an arbitrary `CryptoRng`.
/// If `ThreadRng` breaks on your platform, or merely if your paranoid,
/// then you might "upgrade" from `ThreadRng` to `OsRng` by using calls
/// like `keypair.sign( attach_rng(t,OSRng::new()) )`.
/// We recommend instead simply fixing `ThreadRng` for your platform
/// however.
/// There are also derandomization tricks like
/// `attach_rng(t,ChaChaRng::from_seed([0u8; 32]))`
/// for deterministic signing in tests too.  Although derandomization
/// produces secure signatures, we recommend against doing this in
/// production because we implement protocols like multi-signatures
/// which likely become vulnerabile when derandomized.
pub struct SigningTranscriptWithRng<T,R>
where T: SigningTranscript, R: Rng+CryptoRng
	t: T,
	rng: RefCell<R>,

impl<T,R> SigningTranscript for SigningTranscriptWithRng<T,R>
where T: SigningTranscript, R: Rng+CryptoRng
    fn commit_bytes(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], bytes: &[u8])
        {  self.t.commit_bytes(label, bytes)  }

    fn challenge_bytes(&mut self, label: &'static [u8], dest: &mut [u8])
        {  self.t.challenge_bytes(label, dest)  }

    fn witness_bytes(&self, dest: &mut [u8], nonce_seeds: &[&[u8]])
       {  self.witness_bytes_rng(dest, nonce_seeds, &mut *self.rng.borrow_mut())  }

    fn witness_bytes_rng<RR>(&self, dest: &mut [u8], nonce_seeds: &[&[u8]], rng: RR)
    where RR: Rng+CryptoRng
       {  self.t.witness_bytes_rng(dest,nonce_seeds,rng)  }


/// Attach a `CryptoRng` to a `SigningTranscript` to repalce the default `ThreadRng`
/// There are tricks like `attach_rng(t,ChaChaRng::from_seed([0u8; 32]))`
/// for deterministic tests.  We warn against doing this in production
/// however because, although such derandomization produces secure Schnorr
/// signatures, we do implement protocols here like multi-signatures which
/// likely become vulnerabile when derandomized.
pub fn attach_rng<T,R>(t: T, rng: R) -> SigningTranscriptWithRng<T,R>
where T: SigningTranscript, R: Rng+CryptoRng
    SigningTranscriptWithRng {
        t, rng: RefCell::new(rng)

use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;

/// Attach a `ChaChaRng` to a `Transcript` to repalce the default `ThreadRng`
pub fn attach_chacharng(t: Transcript, seed: [u8; 32]) -> SigningTranscriptWithRng<ChaChaRng> {

mod test {
    use rand::prelude::*; // ThreadRng,thread_rng
    use sha3::Shake128;
    use curve25519_dalek::digest::{Input};
