schnorrkel 0.1.1

Schnorr VRF, signatures, etc. using the Ristretto group
// -*- mode: rust; -*-
// This file is part of schnorrkel.
// Copyright (c) 2019 Web 3 Foundation
// See LICENSE for licensing information.
// Authors:
// - Jeffrey Burdges <>

//! Implementation of a Verifiable Random Function (VRF) using
//! Ristretto points and Schnorr DLEQ proofs.
//! We model the VRF on "Making NSEC5 Practical for DNSSEC" by
//! Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Duane Wessels, Shumon Huque, Moni Naor,
//! Jan Včelák, Leonid Rezyin, andd Sharon Goldberg.
//! We note the V(X)EdDSA signature scheme by Trevor Perrin at
//! is almost identical to the NSEC5 construction.
//! We support individual signers merging numerous VRF outputs created
//! with the same keypair, which follows the "DLEQ Proofs" and "Batching
//! the Proofs" sections of "Privacy Pass - The Math" by Alex Davidson,
//! and "Privacy Pass: Bypassing Internet Challenges Anonymously"
//! by Alex Davidson, Ian Goldberg, Nick Sullivan, George Tankersley,
//! and Filippo Valsorda.
//! As noted there, our merging technique's soundness appeals to
//! Theorem 3.17 on page 74 of Ryqan Henry's PhD thesis
//! "Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Applications"
//! See also the attack on Peng and Bao’s batch proof protocol in
//! "Batch Proofs of Partial Knowledge" by Ryan Henry and Ian Goldberg
//! We might reasonably ask if the VRF signer's public key should
//! really be hashed when creating the scalars in `vrfs_merge*`.
//! After all, there is no similar requirement when the values being
//! hashed are BLS public keys in say
//! In fact, we expect the public key could be dropped both in
//! Privacy Pass' case, due to using randomness in the messages,
//! and in the VRF case, provided the message depends upon shared
//! randomness created after the public key.  Yet, there are VRF
//! applications outside these two cases, and DLEQ proof applications
//! where the points are not even hashes.  At minimum, we expect
//! hashing the public key prevents malicious signers from choosing
//! their key to cancel out the blinding of a particular point,
//! which might become important in a some anonymity applications.
//! In any case, there is no cost to hashing the public key for VRF
//! applications, but important such an approach cannot yield a
//! verifiable shuffle.
//! TODO: Explain better!
//! We also implement verifier side batching analogous to batched
//! verification of Schnorr signatures, but note this requires an
//! extra curve point, which enlarges the VRF proofs from 64 bytes
//! to 96 bytes.  We provide `shorten_*` methods to produce the
//! non-batchable proof from the batchable proof because doing so
//! is an inherent part of the batch verification anyways.
//! TODO: Security arguments!
//! We do not provide DLEQ proofs optimized for the same signer using
//! multiple public keys because such constructions sound more the
//! domain of zero-knowledge proof libraries.

use core::borrow::Borrow;
use core::iter::once; // BorrowMut

#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec::Vec};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::{boxed::Box, vec::Vec};

use rand::prelude::*; // ThreadRng,thread_rng
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;

use curve25519_dalek::constants;
use curve25519_dalek::ristretto::{CompressedRistretto, RistrettoPoint};
use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar;
use curve25519_dalek::traits::VartimeMultiscalarMul;

use merlin::Transcript;

use super::*;
use crate::context::SigningTranscript;
use crate::points::RistrettoBoth;
// use crate::errors::SignatureError;

/// Length of VRF output.
pub const VRF_OUTPUT_LENGTH : usize = 32;

/// Length of the short VRF proof which lacks support for batch verification.
pub const VRF_PROOF_LENGTH : usize = 64;

/// Length of the longer VRF proof which supports batch verification.
pub const VRF_PROOF_BATCHABLE_LENGTH : usize = 96;

/// Create a VRF input point by hashing a transcript to a point.
pub fn vrf_hash<T: SigningTranscript>(mut t: T) -> RistrettoBoth {
    let mut b = [0u8; 64];
    t.challenge_bytes(b"VRFHash", &mut b);

/// VRF output, possibly unverified.
/// Internally, we keep both `RistrettoPoint` and `CompressedRistretto`
/// forms using `RistrettoBoth`.
/// We'd actually love to statically distinguish here between inputs
/// and outputs, as well as whether outputs were verified, but doing
/// so would disrupt our general purpose DLEQ proof mechanism, so
/// users must be responcible for this themselves.  We do however
/// consume by value in actual output methods, and do not implement
/// `Copy`, as a reminder that VRF outputs should only be used once
/// and should be checked before usage.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct VRFOutput(pub [u8; PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH]);

impl VRFOutput {
    const DESCRIPTION: &'static str =
        "A Ristretto Schnorr VRF output represented as a 32-byte Ristretto compressed point";

    /// Convert this VRF output to a byte array.
    pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; VRF_OUTPUT_LENGTH] {

    /// View this secret key as a byte array.
    pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8; VRF_OUTPUT_LENGTH] {

    /// Construct a `VRFOutput` from a slice of bytes.
    pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> SignatureResult<VRFOutput> {
        if bytes.len() != VRF_OUTPUT_LENGTH {
            return Err(SignatureError::BytesLengthError {
                name: "VRFOutput",
                description: VRFOutput::DESCRIPTION,
                length: VRF_OUTPUT_LENGTH
        let mut bits: [u8; 32] = [0u8; 32];

    /// Pair a VRF output with the hash of the given transcript.
    pub fn attach_input_hash<T>(&self, t: T) -> SignatureResult<VRFInOut>
	where T: SigningTranscript {
        let input = vrf_hash(t);
        let output = RistrettoBoth::from_bytes_ser("VRFOutput", VRFOutput::DESCRIPTION, &self.0)?;
        Ok(VRFInOut { input, output })


/// VRF input and output paired together, possibly unverified.
/// Internally, we keep both `RistrettoPoint` and `CompressedRistretto`
/// forms using `RistrettoBoth`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct VRFInOut {
    /// VRF input point
    pub input: RistrettoBoth,
    /// VRF output point
    pub output: RistrettoBoth,

impl SecretKey {
    /// Evaluate the VRF-like multiplication on an uncompressed point,
    /// probably not useful in this form.
    pub fn vrf_create_from_point(&self, input: RistrettoBoth) -> VRFInOut {
        let output = RistrettoBoth::from_point(&self.key * input.as_point());
        VRFInOut { input, output }

    /// Evaluate the VRF-like multiplication on a compressed point,
    /// useful for proving key exchanges, OPRFs, or sequential VRFs.
    pub fn vrf_create_from_compressed_point(&self, input: &VRFOutput) -> SignatureResult<VRFInOut> {
        let input = RistrettoBoth::from_compressed(CompressedRistretto(input.0)) ?;

    /// Evaluate the VRF on the given transcript.
    pub fn vrf_create_hash<T: SigningTranscript>(&self, t: T) -> VRFInOut {

impl VRFInOut {
    /// VRF output point bytes for serialization.
    pub fn as_output_bytes(&self) -> &[u8; 32] {

    /// VRF output point bytes for serialization.
    pub fn to_output(&self) -> VRFOutput {

    /// Commit VRF input and output to a transcript.
    /// We commit both the input and output to provide the 2Hash-DH
    /// construction from Theorem 2 on page 32 in appendex C of
    /// ["Ouroboros Praos: An adaptively-secure, semi-synchronous proof-of-stake blockchain"](
    /// by Bernardo David, Peter Gazi, Aggelos Kiayias, and Alexander Russell.
    /// We use this construction both for the VRF usage methods
    /// `VRFInOut::make_*` as well as for signer side batching.
    pub fn commit<T: SigningTranscript>(&self, t: &mut T) {
        t.commit_point(b"vrf-in", self.input.as_compressed());
        t.commit_point(b"vrf-out", self.output.as_compressed());

    /// Raw bytes output from the VRF.
    /// If you are not the signer then you must verify the VRF before calling this method.
    /// If called with distinct contexts then outputs should be independent.
    /// We incorporate both the input and output to provide the 2Hash-DH
    /// construction from Theorem 2 on page 32 in appendex C of
    /// ["Ouroboros Praos: An adaptively-secure, semi-synchronous proof-of-stake blockchain"](
    /// by Bernardo David, Peter Gazi, Aggelos Kiayias, and Alexander Russell.
    pub fn make_bytes<B: Default + AsMut<[u8]>>(&self, context: &'static [u8]) -> B {
        let mut t = Transcript::new(context);
        self.commit(&mut t);
        let mut seed = B::default();
        t.challenge_bytes(b"", seed.as_mut());

    /// VRF output converted into any `SeedableRng`.
    /// If you are not the signer then you must verify the VRF before calling this method.
    /// We expect most users would prefer the less generic `VRFInOut::make_chacharng` method.
    pub fn make_rng<R: SeedableRng>(&self, context: &'static [u8]) -> R {

    /// VRF output converted into a `ChaChaRng`.
    /// If you are not the signer then you must verify the VRF before calling this method.
    /// If called with distinct contexts then outputs should be independent.
    /// Independent output streams are available via `ChaChaRng::set_stream` too.
    /// We incorporate both the input and output to provide the 2Hash-DH
    /// construction from Theorem 2 on page 32 in appendex C of
    /// ["Ouroboros Praos: An adaptively-secure, semi-synchronous proof-of-stake blockchain"](
    /// by Bernardo David, Peter Gazi, Aggelos Kiayias, and Alexander Russell.
    pub fn make_chacharng(&self, context: &'static [u8]) -> ChaChaRng {

    /// VRF output converted into Merlin's Keccek based `Rng`.
    /// If you are not the signer then you must verify the VRF before calling this method.
    /// We think this might be marginally slower than `ChaChaRng`
    /// when considerable output is required, but it should reduce
    /// the final linked binary size slightly, and improves domain
    /// separation.
    pub fn make_merlin_rng(&self, context: &'static [u8]) -> merlin::TranscriptRng {
        // Very insecure hack except for our commit_witness_bytes below
        struct ZeroFakeRng;
        impl ::rand::RngCore for ZeroFakeRng {
            fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {  panic!()  }
            fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {  panic!()  }
            fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) {
                for i in dest.iter_mut() {  *i = 0;  }
            fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), rand::Error> {
        impl ::rand::CryptoRng for ZeroFakeRng {}

        let mut t = Transcript::new(context);
        self.commit(&mut t);
        t.build_rng().finalize(&mut ZeroFakeRng)

fn challenge_scalar_128<T: SigningTranscript>(mut t: T) -> Scalar {
    let mut s = [0u8; 16];
    t.challenge_bytes(b"", &mut s);

impl PublicKey {
    /// Merge VRF input and output pairs from the same signer,
    /// using constant time arithmetic.
    /// There is sadly no constant time 128 bit multiplication in dalek,
    /// making this variant somewhat slower than necessary.  It should
    /// only impact signers in niche scenarios however, so this slower
    /// variant should normally be unnecessary.
    /// TODO: Add constant time 128 bit batched multiplication to dalek.
    /// TODO: Is rand_chacha's `gen::<u128>()` standardizable enough to
    /// prefer it over merlin for the output?  
    #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
    pub fn vrfs_merge<B>(&self, ps: &[B]) -> VRFInOut
        B: Borrow<VRFInOut>,
        let mut t = ::merlin::Transcript::new(b"MergeVRFs");
        t.commit_point(b"pk", self.as_compressed());
        for p in ps.iter() {
            p.borrow().commit(&mut t);

        let mut input = ps[0].borrow().input.as_point().clone();
        let mut output = ps[0].borrow().output.as_point().clone();
        for p in ps.iter().skip(1).map(|p| p.borrow()) {
            let mut t0 = t.clone();
            p.commit(&mut t0);
            let z = challenge_scalar_128(t0);
            input += &z * p.input.as_point();
            output += &z * p.output.as_point();

        VRFInOut {
            input: RistrettoBoth::from_point(input),
            output: RistrettoBoth::from_point(output),

    /// Merge VRF input and output pairs from the same signer,
    /// using variable time arithmetic
    /// You should use this variant when verifying VRF proofs batched
    /// by the singer.  You could usually use this variant even when
    /// producing proofs, provided the set being signed is not secret.
    #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
    pub fn vrfs_merge_vartime<B>(&self, ps: &[B]) -> VRFInOut
        B: Borrow<VRFInOut>,
        let mut t = ::merlin::Transcript::new(b"MergeVRFs");
        t.commit_point(b"pk", self.as_compressed());
        for p in ps.iter() {
            p.borrow().commit(&mut t);

        let zs: Vec<Scalar> = ps.iter().skip(1)
            .map(|p| {
                let mut t0 = t.clone();
                p.borrow().commit(&mut t0);
        let one = Scalar::one();
        let zf = || once(&one).chain(zs.iter());

        VRFInOut {
            input: RistrettoBoth::from_point(RistrettoPoint::vartime_multiscalar_mul(
                ps.iter().map(|p| p.borrow().input.as_point()),
            output: RistrettoBoth::from_point(RistrettoPoint::vartime_multiscalar_mul(
                ps.iter().map(|p| p.borrow().output.as_point()),

/// Short proof of correctness for associated VRF output,
/// for which no batched verification works.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] // PartialOrd, Ord, Hash
pub struct VRFProof {
    /// Challenge
    c: Scalar,
    /// Schnorr proof
    s: Scalar,

impl VRFProof {
    const DESCRIPTION : &'static str = "A Ristretto Schnorr VRF proof without batch verification support, which consists of two scalars, making it 64 bytes.";

    /// Convert this `VRFProof` to a byte array.
    pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; VRF_PROOF_LENGTH] {
        let mut bytes = [0u8; VRF_PROOF_LENGTH];


    /// Construct a `VRFProof` from a slice of bytes.
    pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> SignatureResult<VRFProof> {
        if bytes.len() != VRF_PROOF_LENGTH {
            return Err(SignatureError::BytesLengthError {
                name: "VRFProof",
                description: VRFProof::DESCRIPTION,
                length: VRF_PROOF_LENGTH
        let mut c: [u8; 32] = [0u8; 32];
        let mut s: [u8; 32] = [0u8; 32];


        let c = Scalar::from_canonical_bytes(c).ok_or(SignatureError::ScalarFormatError) ?;
        let s = Scalar::from_canonical_bytes(s).ok_or(SignatureError::ScalarFormatError) ?;
        Ok(VRFProof { c, s })


/// Longer proof of correctness for associated VRF output,
/// which supports batching.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] // PartialOrd, Ord, Hash
pub struct VRFProofBatchable {
    /// Our nonce R = r G to permits batching the first verification equation
    R: CompressedRistretto,
    /// Our input hashed and raised to r to permit batching the second verification equation
    Hr: CompressedRistretto,
    /// Schnorr proof
    s: Scalar,

impl VRFProofBatchable {
    const DESCRIPTION : &'static str = "A Ristretto Schnorr VRF proof that supports batch verification, which consists of two Ristretto compressed points and one scalar, making it 96 bytes.";

    /// Convert this `VRFProofBatchable` to a byte array.
    pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; VRF_PROOF_BATCHABLE_LENGTH] {
        let mut bytes = [0u8; VRF_PROOF_BATCHABLE_LENGTH];


    /// Construct a `VRFProofBatchable` from a slice of bytes.
    pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> SignatureResult<VRFProofBatchable> {
        if bytes.len() != VRF_PROOF_BATCHABLE_LENGTH {
            return Err(SignatureError::BytesLengthError {
                name: "VRFProofBatchable",
                description: VRFProofBatchable::DESCRIPTION,
                length: VRF_PROOF_BATCHABLE_LENGTH,
        let mut R: [u8; 32] = [0u8; 32];
        let mut Hr: [u8; 32] = [0u8; 32];
        let mut s: [u8; 32] = [0u8; 32];


        let s = Scalar::from_canonical_bytes(s).ok_or(SignatureError::ScalarFormatError) ?;
        Ok(VRFProofBatchable { R: CompressedRistretto(R), Hr: CompressedRistretto(Hr), s })

    /// Return the shortened `VRFProof` for retransmitting in not batched situations
    pub fn shorten_dleq<T>(&self, mut t: T, public: &PublicKey, p: &VRFInOut) -> VRFProof
    where T: SigningTranscript,
        // t.commit_point(b"g",constants::RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_TABLE.basepoint().compress());
        t.commit_point(b"h", p.input.as_compressed());

        t.commit_point(b"R=g^r", &self.R);
        t.commit_point(b"h^r", &self.Hr);

        t.commit_point(b"pk", public.as_compressed());
        t.commit_point(b"h^sk", p.output.as_compressed());

        VRFProof {
            c: t.challenge_scalar(b""), // context, message, A/public_key, R=rG
            s: self.s,

    /// Return the shortened `VRFProof` for retransmitting in not
    /// batched situations.
    /// TODO: Avoid the error path here by avoiding decompressing,
    /// either locally here, or more likely by decompressing
    /// `VRFOutput` in deserialization.
    pub fn shorten_vrf<T>( &self, public: &PublicKey, t: T, out: &VRFOutput) -> SignatureResult<VRFProof>
    where T: SigningTranscript,
        let p = out.attach_input_hash(t)?; // Avoidable by avoiding decompressing out here.
        let t0 = Transcript::new(b"VRF"); // We have context in t and another hear confuses batching
        Ok(self.shorten_dleq(t0, public, &p))


impl Keypair {
    /// Produce DLEQ proof.
    /// We mutate `points` by multiplying every point by `self.secret`
    /// and produce a proof that this multiplication was done correctly.
    pub fn dleq_proove<T>(&self, mut t: T, p: &VRFInOut) -> (VRFProof, VRFProofBatchable)
        T: SigningTranscript,
        // t.commit_point(b"g",constants::RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_TABLE.basepoint().compress());
        t.commit_point(b"h", p.input.as_compressed());

        // We compute R after adding pk and all h.
        let r = t.witness_scalar(&[&self.secret.nonce]);
        let R = (&r * &constants::RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_TABLE).compress();
        t.commit_point(b"R=g^r", &R);

        let Hr = (&r * p.input.as_point()).compress();
        t.commit_point(b"h^r", &Hr);

        t.commit_point(b"pk", self.public.as_compressed());
        // We add h^sk last to save an allocation if we ever need to hash multiple h together.
        t.commit_point(b"h^sk", p.output.as_compressed());

        let c = t.challenge_scalar(b""); // context, message, A/public_key, R=rG
        let s = &r - &(&c * &self.secret.key);

        (VRFProof { c, s }, VRFProofBatchable { R, Hr, s })

    /// Run VRF on one single input transcript, producing the outpus
    /// and correspodning short proof.
    /// There are schemes like Ouroboros Praos in which nodes evaluate
    /// VRFs repeatedly until they win some contest.  In these case,
    /// you should implement this function manually to gain access to
    /// the `VRFInOut` from `vrf_create_hash` first, and then 
    pub fn vrf_sign<T: SigningTranscript>(&self, t: T) -> (VRFInOut, VRFProof, VRFProofBatchable) {
        let p = self.secret.vrf_create_hash(t);
        let t0 = Transcript::new(b"VRF"); // We have context in t and another hear confuses batching
        let (proof, proof_batchable) = self.dleq_proove(t0, &p);
        (p, proof, proof_batchable)

    /// Run VRF on one single input transcript, producing the outpus
    /// and correspodning short proof only if the result first passes
    /// some check.
    /// There are schemes like Ouroboros Praos in which nodes evaluate
    /// VRFs repeatedly until they win some contest.  In these case,
    /// you could implement `vrf_sign` or use this function to short
    /// circuit computing the full proof.
    pub fn vrf_sign_n_check<T,F>(&self, t: T, mut check: F) -> Option<(VRFInOut, VRFProof, VRFProofBatchable)>
	where T: SigningTranscript,
          F: FnMut(&VRFInOut) -> bool
        let p = self.secret.vrf_create_hash(t);
        if ! check(&p) { return None; }
        let t0 = Transcript::new(b"VRF"); // We have context in t and another hear confuses batching
        let (proof, proof_batchable) = self.dleq_proove(t0, &p);
        Some((p, proof, proof_batchable))

    /// Run VRF on several input transcripts, producing their outputs
    /// and a common short proof.
    /// We merge the VRF outputs using variable time arithmetic, so
    /// if even the hash of the message being signed is sensitive then
    /// you might reimplement some constant time variant.
    #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
    pub fn vrfs_sign<T, I>(&self, ts: I) -> (Box<[VRFInOut]>, VRFProof, VRFProofBatchable)
        T: SigningTranscript,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
        let ps = ts.into_iter()
            .map(|t| self.secret.vrf_create_hash(t))
        let p = self.public.vrfs_merge_vartime(&ps);
        let t0 = Transcript::new(b"VRF");
        let (proof, proof_batchable) = self.dleq_proove(t0, &p);
        (ps.into_boxed_slice(), proof, proof_batchable)

impl PublicKey {
    /// Verify DLEQ proof that `points_out` consists of all points in
    /// `points_in` raised to the same private exponent as `self`.
    /// We also return an enlarged `VRFProofBatchable` instead of true
    /// so that verifiers can forward batchable proofs.
    /// In principle, one might provide "blindly verifiable" VRFs that
    /// avoid requiring `self` here, but naively such constructions
    /// risk the same flaws as DLEQ based blind signatures, and this
    /// version exploits the slightly faster basepoint arithmetic.
    pub fn dleq_verify<T>(
        mut t: T,
        p: &VRFInOut,
        proof: &VRFProof,
    ) -> SignatureResult<VRFProofBatchable>
        T: SigningTranscript,
        // t.commit_point(b"g",constants::RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_TABLE.basepoint().compress());
        t.commit_point(b"h", p.input.as_compressed());

        // We recompute R aka u from the proof
        // let R = (&proof.c * self.as_point()) + (&proof.s * &constants::RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_TABLE);
        let R = RistrettoPoint::vartime_double_scalar_mul_basepoint(
        t.commit_point(b"R=g^r", &R);

        // We also recompute h^r aka u using the proof
        // let hr = (&proof.c * p.output.as_point()) + (&proof.s * p.input.as_point());
        let Hr = RistrettoPoint::vartime_multiscalar_mul(
            &[proof.c, proof.s],
            &[*p.output.as_point(), *p.input.as_point()],
        t.commit_point(b"h^r", &Hr);

        t.commit_point(b"pk", self.as_compressed());
        // We add h^sk last to save an allocation if we ever need to hash multiple h together.
        t.commit_point(b"h^sk", p.output.as_compressed());

        // We need not check that h^pk lies on the curve because Ristretto ensures this.
        let VRFProof { c, s } = *proof;
        if c == t.challenge_scalar(b"") {
            Ok(VRFProofBatchable { R, Hr, s }) // Scalar: Copy ?!?
        } else {

    /// Verify VRF proof for one single input transcript and corresponding output.
    pub fn vrf_verify<T: SigningTranscript>(
        t: T,
        out: &VRFOutput,
        proof: &VRFProof,
    ) -> SignatureResult<(VRFInOut, VRFProofBatchable)> {
        let p = out.attach_input_hash(t)?;
        let t0 = Transcript::new(b"VRF"); // We have context in t and another hear breaks batching
        let proof_batchable = self.dleq_verify(t0, &p, proof)?;
        Ok((p, proof_batchable))

    /// Verify a common VRF short proof for several input transcripts and corresponding outputs.
    #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
    pub fn vrfs_verify<T, I, O>(
        transcripts: I,
        outs: &[O],
        proof: &VRFProof,
    ) -> SignatureResult<(Box<[VRFInOut]>, VRFProofBatchable)>
        T: SigningTranscript,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
        O: Borrow<VRFOutput>,
        let mut ts = transcripts.into_iter();
        let ps = ts.by_ref().zip(outs)
            .map(|(t, out)| out.borrow().attach_input_hash(t))
        assert!(, "Too few VRF outputs for VRF inputs.");
            ps.len() == outs.len(),
            "Too few VRF inputs for VRF outputs."
        let p = self.vrfs_merge_vartime(&ps[..]);
        let t0 = Transcript::new(b"VRF"); // We have context in t and another hear breaks batching
        let proof_batchable = self.dleq_verify(t0, &p, proof)?;
        Ok((ps.into_boxed_slice(), proof_batchable))

/// Batch verify DLEQ proofs where the public keys were held by
/// different parties.
/// We first reconstruct the `c`s present in the `VRFProof`s but absent
/// in the `VRFProofBatchable`s, using `shorten_dleq`.  We then verify
/// the `R` and `Hr` components of the `VRFProofBatchable`s using the
/// two equations a normal verification uses to discover them.
/// We do this by delinearizing both verification equations with
/// random numbers.
/// TODO: Combine the two verification equations.
#[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
pub fn dleq_verify_batch(
    ps: &[VRFInOut],
    proofs: &[VRFProofBatchable],
    public_keys: &[PublicKey],
) -> bool {
    use curve25519_dalek::traits::IsIdentity;

    const ASSERT_MESSAGE: &'static [u8] = b"The number of messages/transcripts / input points, output points, proofs, and public keys must be equal.";
    assert!(ps.len() == proofs.len(), ASSERT_MESSAGE);
    assert!(proofs.len() == public_keys.len(), ASSERT_MESSAGE);

    let mut rng = rand::prelude::thread_rng();

    // Select a random 128-bit scalar for each signature.
    // We may represent these as scalars because we use
    // variable time 256 bit multiplication below.
    let zz: Vec<Scalar> = proofs.iter()
        .map(|_| Scalar::from(rng.gen::<u128>()))

    let z_s: Vec<Scalar> = zz.iter().zip(proofs)
        .map(|(z, proof)| z * proof.s)

    // Compute the basepoint coefficient, ∑ s[i]z[i] (mod l)
    let B_coefficient: Scalar = z_s.iter().sum();

    let t0 = Transcript::new(b"VRF");
    let z_c: Vec<Scalar> = zz.iter().enumerate()
        .map( |(i, z)| z * proofs[i].shorten_dleq(t0.clone(), &public_keys[i], &ps[i]).c )

    // Compute (∑ z[i] s[i] (mod l)) B + ∑ (z[i] c[i] (mod l)) A[i] - ∑ z[i] R[i] = 0
    let b = RistrettoPoint::optional_multiscalar_mul(
        zz.iter().map(|z| -z)
        proofs.iter().map(|proof| proof.R.decompress())
            .chain(public_keys.iter().map(|pk| Some(*pk.as_point())))
    .map(|id| id.is_identity())

    // Compute (∑ z[i] s[i] (mod l)) Input[i] + ∑ (z[i] c[i] (mod l)) Output[i] - ∑ z[i] Hr[i] = 0
    b & RistrettoPoint::optional_multiscalar_mul(
        zz.iter().map(|z| -z)
        proofs.iter().map(|proof| proof.Hr.decompress())
            .chain(ps.iter().map(|p| Some(*p.output.as_point())))
            .chain(ps.iter().map(|p| Some(*p.input.as_point()))),
    .map(|id| id.is_identity())

/// Batch verify VRFs by different signers
#[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
pub fn vrf_verify_batch<T, I>(
    transcripts: I,
    outs: &[VRFOutput],
    proofs: &[VRFProofBatchable],
    public_keys: &[PublicKey],
) -> SignatureResult<Box<[VRFInOut]>>
    T: SigningTranscript,
    I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
    let mut ts = transcripts.into_iter();
    let ps = ts.by_ref()
        .map(|(t, out)| out.attach_input_hash(t))
    assert!(, "Too few VRF outputs for VRF inputs.");
        ps.len() == outs.len(),
        "Too few VRF inputs for VRF outputs."
    if dleq_verify_batch(&ps[..], proofs, public_keys) {
    } else {

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use rand::prelude::*;
    use std::vec::Vec;

    fn vrf_single() {
        // let mut csprng = ChaChaRng::from_seed([0u8; 32]);
        let keypair1 = Keypair::generate(&mut thread_rng());

        let ctx = signing_context(b"yo!");
        let msg = b"meow";
        let (io1, proof1, proof1batchable) = keypair1.vrf_sign(ctx.bytes(msg));
        let out1 = &io1.to_output();
                .shorten_vrf(&keypair1.public, ctx.bytes(msg), &out1)
            "Oops `shorten_vrf` failed"
        let (io1too, proof1too) = keypair1
            .vrf_verify(ctx.bytes(msg), &out1, &proof1)
            .expect("Correct VRF verification failed!");
            io1too, io1,
            "Output differs between signing and verification!"
            proof1batchable, proof1too,
            "VRF verification yielded incorrect batchable proof"
            "Rerunning VRF gave different output"
                .vrf_verify(ctx.bytes(b"not meow"), &out1, &proof1)
            "VRF verification with incorrect message passed!"

        let keypair2 = Keypair::generate(&mut thread_rng());
                .vrf_verify(ctx.bytes(msg), &out1, &proof1)
            "VRF verification with incorrect signer passed!"
        let (io2, _proof2, _proof2batchable) = keypair2.vrf_sign(ctx.bytes(msg));
        let out2 = &io2.to_output();

        // Verified key exchange, aaka sequential two party VRF.
        let t0 = Transcript::new(b"VRF");
        let io21 = keypair2
        let proofs21 = keypair2.dleq_proove(t0.clone(), &io21);
        let io12 = keypair1
        let proofs12 = keypair1.dleq_proove(t0.clone(), &io12);
        assert_eq!(io12.output, io21.output, "Sequential two-party VRF failed");
            proofs21.1.shorten_dleq(t0.clone(), &keypair2.public, &io21),
            "Oops `shorten_dleq` failed"
            proofs12.1.shorten_dleq(t0.clone(), &keypair1.public, &io12),
            "Oops `shorten_dleq` failed"
            .dleq_verify(t0.clone(), &io12, &proofs12.0)
            .dleq_verify(t0.clone(), &io21, &proofs21.0)

    fn vrfs_merged_and_batched() {
        let keypairs: Vec<Keypair> = (0..4)
            .map(|_| Keypair::generate(&mut thread_rng()))

        let ctx = signing_context(b"yo!");
        let messages: [&[u8; 4]; 2] = [b"meow", b"woof"];
        let ts = || messages.iter().map(|m| ctx.bytes(*m));

        let ios_n_proofs = keypairs.iter().map(|k| k.vrfs_sign(ts())).collect::<Vec<(

        for (k, (ios, proof, proof_batchable)) in keypairs.iter().zip(&ios_n_proofs) {
            let outs = ios
                .map(|io| io.to_output())
            let (ios_too, proof_too) = k
                .vrfs_verify(ts(), &outs, &proof)
                .expect("Valid VRF output verification failed!");
                ios_too, *ios,
                "Output differs between signing and verification!"
                proof_too, *proof_batchable,
                "Returning batchable proof failed!"
        for (k, (ios, proof, _proof_batchable)) in keypairs.iter().zip(&ios_n_proofs) {
            let outs = ios.iter()
                .map(|io| io.to_output())
                k.public.vrfs_verify(ts(), &outs, &proof).is_err(),
                "Incorrect VRF output verification passed!"
        for (k, (ios, proof, _proof_batchable)) in keypairs.iter().rev().zip(&ios_n_proofs) {
            let outs = ios.iter()
                .map(|io| io.to_output())
                k.public.vrfs_verify(ts(), &outs, &proof).is_err(),
                "VRF output verification by a different signer passed!"

        let mut ios = keypairs.iter().enumerate()
            .map(|(i, keypair)| keypair.public.vrfs_merge_vartime(&ios_n_proofs[i].0))

        let mut proofs = ios_n_proofs.iter()
            .map(|(_ios, _proof, proof_batchable)| proof_batchable.clone())

        let mut public_keys = keypairs.iter()
            .map(|keypair| keypair.public.clone())

            dleq_verify_batch(&ios, &proofs, &public_keys),
            "Batch verification failed!"
            dleq_verify_batch(&ios, &proofs, &public_keys) == false,
            "Batch verification with incorrect proofs passed!"
            dleq_verify_batch(&ios, &proofs, &public_keys) == false,
            "Batch verification with incorrect public keys passed!"
            dleq_verify_batch(&ios, &proofs, &public_keys) == false,
            "Batch verification with incorrect points passed!"