schnorrkel 0.1.1

Schnorr VRF, signatures, etc. using the Ristretto group
// -*- mode: rust; -*-
// This file is part of schnorrkel.
// Copyright (c) 2019 Web 3 Foundation
// See LICENSE for licensing information.
// Authors:
// - Jeffrey Burdges <>

//! Elliptic curve Qu-Vanstone implicit certificate scheme (ECQV) for Ristretto
//! [Implicit certificates](
//! provide an extremely space efficent public key certificate scheme.
//! As a rule, implicit certificates do not prove possession of the
//! private key.  We thus worry more about fear rogue key attack when
//! using them, but all protocols here should provide strong defenses
//! against then.
//! [1] "Standards for efficient cryptography, SEC 4: Elliptic Curve
//!     Qu-Vanstone Implicit Certificate Scheme (ECQV)".
//! [2] Daniel R. L. Brown, Robert P. Gallant, and Scott A. Vanstone.
//!     "Provably Secure Implicit Certificate Schemes". Financial
//!     Cryptography 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
//!     Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2339 (1): 156–165. doi:10.1007/3-540-46088-8_15.

use rand::prelude::*;

use curve25519_dalek::constants;
use curve25519_dalek::ristretto::{CompressedRistretto};
use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar;

use super::*;
use crate::context::SigningTranscript;

/// ECQV Implicit Certificate Secret
/// Issuing an ECQV implicit certificate requires producing
/// this and securely sending it to the certificate holder.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)] // Debug, Eq, PartialEq
pub struct ECQVCertSecret(pub [u8; 64]);
/// TODO: Serde serialization/deserialization

impl<'a> From<&'a ECQVCertSecret> for &'a ECQVCertPublic {
    from(secret: &ECQVCertSecret) -> &ECQVCertPublic {
        unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(secret) }

impl From<ECQVCertSecret> for ECQVCertPublic {
    fn from(secret: ECQVCertSecret) -> ECQVCertPublic {
        let mut public = ECQVCertPublic([0u8; 32]);

/// ECQV Implicit Certificate Public Key Reconstruction Data
/// Identifying the public key of, and implicity verifying, an ECQV
/// implicit certificate requires this data, which is produced
/// when the certificate holder accepts the implicit certificate.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct ECQVCertPublic(pub [u8; 32]);
/// TODO: Serde serialization/deserialization

impl ECQVCertPublic {
    fn derive_e<T: SigningTranscript>(&self, mut t: T) -> Scalar {

impl Keypair {
    /// Issue an ECQV implicit certificate
    /// Aside from the issuing `Keypair` supplied as `self`, you provide both
    /// (1) a digest `h` that incorporates both the context and the
    ///     certificate requester's identity, and
    /// (2) the `seed_public_key` supplied by the certificate recipient
    ///     in their certificate request.
    /// We return an `ECQVCertSecret` which the issuer sent to the
    /// certificate requester, ans from which the certificate requester
    /// derives their certified key pair.
    pub fn issue_ecqv_cert<T>(&self, mut t: T, seed_public_key: &PublicKey) -> ECQVCertSecret
    where T: SigningTranscript

        // We cannot commit the `seed_public_key` to the transcript
        // because the whole point is to keep the transcript minimal.
        // Instead we consume it as witness datathat influences only k.
        let k = t.witness_scalar(&[ &self.secret.nonce, seed_public_key.as_compressed().as_bytes() ]);

        // Compute the public key reconstruction data
        let gamma = seed_public_key.as_point() + &k * &constants::RISTRETTO_BASEPOINT_TABLE;
        let gamma = gamma.compress();
        let cert_public = ECQVCertPublic(gamma.0);

        // Compute the secret key reconstruction data
        let s = cert_public.derive_e(t) * k + self.secret.key;

        let mut cert_secret = ECQVCertSecret([0u8; 64]);

impl PublicKey {
    /// Accept an ECQV implicit certificate
    /// We request an ECQV implicit certificate by first creating an
    /// ephemeral `Keypair` and sending the public portion to the issuer
    /// as `seed_public_key`.  An issuer issues the certificat by replying
    /// with the `ECQVCertSecret` created by `issue_ecqv_cert`.
    /// Aside from the issuer `PublicKey` supplied as `self`, you provide
    /// (1) a digest `h` that incorporates both the context and the
    ///     certificate requester's identity,
    /// (2) the `seed_secret_key` corresponding to the `seed_public_key`
    ///     they sent to the issuer by the certificate recipient in their
    ///     certificate request, and
    /// (3) the `ECQVCertSecret` send by the issuer to the certificate
    ///     requester.
    /// We return both your certificate's new `SecretKey` as well as
    /// an `ECQVCertPublic` from which third parties may derive
    /// corresponding public key from `h` and the issuer's public key.
    pub fn accept_ecqv_cert<T>(
        mut t: T,
        seed_secret_key: &SecretKey,
        cert_secret: ECQVCertSecret
    ) -> SignatureResult<(ECQVCertPublic, SecretKey)>
    where T: SigningTranscript

        // Again we cannot commit much to the transcript, but we again
        // treat anything relevant as a witness when defining the
        let mut nonce = [0u8; 32];
        t.witness_bytes(&mut nonce, &[&cert_secret.0[..],&seed_secret_key.nonce]);

        let mut s = [0u8; 32];
        let s = Scalar::from_canonical_bytes(s).ok_or(SignatureError::ScalarFormatError) ?;
        let cert_public : ECQVCertPublic = cert_secret.into();
        let gamma = CompressedRistretto(cert_public.0.clone());

        let key = s + cert_public.derive_e(t) * seed_secret_key.key;
        Ok(( cert_public, SecretKey { key, nonce } ))

impl Keypair {
    /// Issue an ECQV Implicit Certificate for yourself
    /// We can issue an implicit certificate to ourselves if we merely
    /// want to certify an associated public key.  We should prefer
    /// this option over "hierarchical deterministic" key derivation
    /// because compromizing the resulting secret key does not
    /// compromize the issuer's secret key.
    /// In this case, we avoid the entire interactive protocol described
    /// by `issue_ecqv_cert` and `accept_ecqv_cert` by hiding it an all
    /// managment of the ephemeral `Keypair` inside this function.
    /// Aside from the issuing secret key supplied as `self`, you provide
    /// only a digest `h` that incorporates any context and metadata
    /// pertaining to the issued key.
    pub fn issue_self_ecqv_cert<T>(&self, t: T) -> (ECQVCertPublic, SecretKey)
    where T: SigningTranscript+Clone
        let seed = Keypair::generate(thread_rng());
        let cert_secret = self.issue_ecqv_cert(t.clone(), &seed.public);
        self.public.accept_ecqv_cert(t, &seed.secret, cert_secret).expect("Cert issued above and known to produce signature errors; qed")

impl PublicKey {
    pub fn open_ecqv_cert<T>(&self, mut t: T, cert_public: &ECQVCertPublic) -> SignatureResult<PublicKey>
    where T: SigningTranscript

        let gamma = CompressedRistretto(cert_public.0.clone());
        let gamma = gamma.decompress().ok_or(SignatureError::PointDecompressionError) ?;

        let point = self.as_point() + cert_public.derive_e(t) * gamma;

mod tests {
    use rand::prelude::*;

    use super::*;

    fn ecqv_cert_public_vs_private_paths() {
        let t = signing_context(b"").bytes(b"MrMeow!");
        let issuer = Keypair::generate(thread_rng());
        let (cert_public,secret_key) = issuer.issue_self_ecqv_cert(t.clone());
        let public_key = issuer.public.open_ecqv_cert(t,&cert_public).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(secret_key.to_public(), public_key);