rustfmt-nightly 1.1.1

Tool to find and fix Rust formatting issues
// rustfmt-normalize_comments: true

type PrivateTest<'a, I> = (Box<Parser<Input=I, Output=char> + 'a>, Box<Parser<Input=I, Output=char> + 'a>);

pub type PublicTest<'a, I, O> = Result<Vec<MyLongType>, Box<Parser<Input=I, Output=char> + 'a>, Box<Parser<Input=I, Output=char> + 'a>>;

pub type LongGenericListTest<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, LONGPARAMETERNAME, LONGPARAMETERNAME, LONGPARAMETERNAME, A, B, C> = Option<Vec<MyType>>;

pub type Exactly100CharsTest<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, LONGPARAMETERNAME, LONGPARAMETERNAME, A, B> = Vec<i32>;

pub type Exactly101CharsTest<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, LONGPARAMETERNAME, LONGPARAMETERNAME, A, B> = Vec<Test>;

pub type Exactly100CharsToEqualTest<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, LONGPARAMETERNAME, LONGPARAMETERNAME, A, B, C> = Vec<i32>;

pub type GenericsFitButNotEqualTest<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, LONGPARAMETERNAME, LONGPARAMETERNAME, A1, B, C> = Vec<i32>;

pub type CommentTest< /* Lifetime */ 'a
        // Type
                    > = ();

pub type WithWhereClause<LONGPARAMETERNAME, T> where T: Clone, LONGPARAMETERNAME: Clone + Eq + OtherTrait = Option<T>;

pub type Exactly100CharstoEqualWhereTest<T, U, PARAMET> where T: Clone + Ord + Eq + SomeOtherTrait = Option<T>;

pub type Exactly101CharstoEqualWhereTest<T, U, PARAMETE> where T: Clone + Ord + Eq + SomeOtherTrait = Option<T>;

type RegisterPlugin = unsafe fn(pt: *const c_char, plugin: *mut c_void, data: *mut CallbackData);

// #1683
pub type Between<Lhs, Rhs> = super::operators::Between<Lhs, super::operators::And<AsExpr<Rhs, Lhs>, AsExpr<Rhs, Lhs>>>;
pub type NotBetween<Lhs, Rhs> = super::operators::NotBetween<Lhs, super::operators::And<AsExpr<Rhs, Lhs>, AsExpr<Rhs, Lhs>>>;