rustfmt-nightly 1.1.1

Tool to find and fix Rust formatting issues
// rustfmt-normalize_comments: true

fn simple(/*pre-comment on a function!?*/ i: i32/*yes, it's possible!  */   
                                        ,response: NoWay /* hose */) {
fn op(x: Typ, key : &[u8], upd : Box<Fn(Option<&memcache::Item>) -> (memcache::Status, Result<memcache::Item, Option<String>>)>) -> MapResult {}


fn weird_comment(/* /*/ double level */ comment */ x: Hello /*/*/* triple, even */*/*/,
// Does this work?
y: World
) {
        simple(/* does this preserve comments now? */ 42, NoWay)

fn generic<T>(arg: T) -> &SomeType
    where T: Fn(// First arg
        // Second argument
        B, C, D, /* pre comment */ E /* last comment */) -> &SomeType {
    arg(a, b, c, d, e)

fn foo()  ->  !  {}

pub fn http_fetch_async(listener:Box< AsyncCORSResponseListener+Send >,  script_chan:  Box<ScriptChan+Send>) {

fn some_func<T:Box<Trait+Bound>>(val:T){}

fn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz<Type, NodeType>
                       (selff: Type, mut handle: node::Handle<IdRef<'id, Node<K, V>>, Type, NodeType>)
                        -> SearchStack<'a, K, V, Type, NodeType>{

unsafe fn generic_call(cx: *mut JSContext, argc: libc::c_uint, vp: *mut JSVal,
    is_lenient: bool,
                       call: unsafe extern fn(*const JSJitInfo, *mut JSContext,
                                              HandleObject, *mut libc::c_void, u32,
                                              *mut JSVal)
                                              -> u8) {
    let f:  fn  ( _ , _  ) ->  _   =  panic!()  ;

pub fn start_export_thread<C: CryptoSchemee + 'static>(database: &Database, crypto_scheme: &C, block_size: usize, source_path: &Path) -> BonzoResult<mpsc::Consumer<'static, FileInstruction>> {}

pub fn waltz(cwd: &Path) -> CliAssert {
            formatted_comment = rewrite_comment(comment, block_style, width, offset, formatting_fig);

// #2003
mod foo {
    fn __bindgen_test_layout_i_open0_c_open1_char_a_open2_char_close2_close1_close0_instantiation() {

// #2082
pub(crate) fn init() {}

crate fn init() {}

// #2630
fn make_map<T, F: (Fn(&T) -> String)>(records: &Vec<T>, key_fn: F) -> HashMap<String, usize> {}

// #2956
fn bar(beans: Asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf, spam: bool, eggs: bool) -> bool{