rustfmt-nightly 1.1.1

Tool to find and fix Rust formatting issues
fn reflow_list_node_with_rule(node: &CompoundNode, rule: &Rule, args: &[Arg], shape: &Shape) where T: FOo, U: Bar {
    let mut effects = HashMap::new();

fn reflow_list_node_with_rule(node: &CompoundNode, rule: &Rule, args: &[Arg], shape: &Shape) where T: FOo {
    let mut effects = HashMap::new();

fn reflow_list_node_with_rule(node: &CompoundNode, rule: &Rule, args: &[Arg], shape: &Shape, shape: &Shape) where T: FOo, U: Bar {
    let mut effects = HashMap::new();

fn reflow_list_node_with_rule(node: &CompoundNode, rule: &Rule, args: &[Arg], shape: &Shape, shape: &Shape) where T: FOo {
    let mut effects = HashMap::new();

fn reflow_list_node_with_rule(node: &CompoundNode, rule: &Rule, args: &[Arg], shape: &Shape) -> Option<String> where T: FOo, U: Bar {
    let mut effects = HashMap::new();

fn reflow_list_node_with_rule(node: &CompoundNode, rule: &Rule, args: &[Arg], shape: &Shape) -> Option<String> where T: FOo {
    let mut effects = HashMap::new();

pub trait Test {
    fn very_long_method_name<F>(self, f: F) -> MyVeryLongReturnType where F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool;

    fn exactly_100_chars1<F>(self, f: F) -> MyVeryLongReturnType where F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool;

fn very_long_function_name<F>(very_long_argument: F) -> MyVeryLongReturnType where F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool { }

struct VeryLongTupleStructName<A, B, C, D, E>(LongLongTypename, LongLongTypename, i32, i32) where A: LongTrait;

struct Exactly100CharsToSemicolon<A, B, C, D, E>
    (LongLongTypename, i32, i32)
    where A: LongTrait1234;

struct AlwaysOnNextLine<LongLongTypename, LongTypename, A, B, C, D, E, F> where A: LongTrait {
    x: i32

pub trait SomeTrait<T>
    T: Something + Sync + Send + Display     + Debug     + Copy + Hash + Debug + Display + Write + Read + FromStr

// #2020
impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> ProbeContext<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
    fn elaborate_bounds<F>(&mut self, bounds: &[ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>], mut mk_cand: F)
    where F: for<'b> FnMut(&mut ProbeContext<'b, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>, ty::AssociatedItem),
        // ...

// #2497
fn handle_update<'a, Tab, Conn, R, C>(executor: &Executor<PooledConnection<ConnectionManager<Conn>>>, change_set: &'a C) -> ExecutionResult
where &'a C: Identifiable + AsChangeset<Target = Tab> + HasTable<Table = Tab>,
      <&'a C as AsChangeset>::Changeset: QueryFragment<Conn::Backend>,
      Tab: Table + HasTable<Table = Tab>,
      Tab::PrimaryKey: EqAll<<&'a C as Identifiable>::Id>,
      Tab::FromClause: QueryFragment<Conn::Backend>,
      Tab: FindDsl<<&'a C as Identifiable>::Id>,
      Find<Tab, <&'a C as Identifiable>::Id>: IntoUpdateTarget<Table = Tab>,
      <Find<Tab, <&'a C as Identifiable>::Id> as IntoUpdateTarget>::WhereClause: QueryFragment<Conn::Backend>,
      Tab::Query: FilterDsl<<Tab::PrimaryKey as EqAll<<&'a C as Identifiable>::Id>>::Output>,
      Filter<Tab::Query, <Tab::PrimaryKey as EqAll<<&'a C as Identifiable>::Id>>::Output>: LimitDsl,
      Limit<Filter<Tab::Query, <Tab::PrimaryKey as EqAll<<&'a C as Identifiable>::Id>>::Output>>: QueryDsl + BoxedDsl< 'a, Conn::Backend, Output = BoxedSelectStatement<'a, R::SqlType, Tab, Conn::Backend>>,
      R: LoadingHandler<Conn, Table = Tab, SqlType = Tab::SqlType> + GraphQLType<TypeInfo = (), Context = ()>, {