rust-webvr-api 0.9.3

Safe rust API that provides a way to interact with Virtual Reality headsets and integration with vendor specific SDKs like OpenVR and Oculus. The API is inspired on the easy to use WebVR API but adapted to Rust design patterns
/// The VRStageParameters interface represents the values describing the
/// stage/play area for displays that support room-scale experiences.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-serialization", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
pub struct VRStageParameters {
    /// matrix that transforms the sitting-space view matrices of VRFrameData to standing-space.
    pub sitting_to_standing_transform: [f32; 16],
    /// Width of the play-area bounds in meters.
    pub size_x: f32,
    /// Depth of the play-area bounds in meters
    pub size_z: f32